Python Release Python 3.8.7 | PythonThe official home of the Python Programming Languagehttps://www.python/downloads/release/python-387/此下载页面中,注意选择file中合适的安装文件,比如windows installer 64bit,此文件是exe的安装包;
Version | Operating System | Description | MD5 Sum | File Size | GPG |
Gzipped source tarballhttps://www.python/ftp/python/3.8.7/Python-3.8.7.tgz | Source release | e1f40f4fc9ccc781fcbf8d4e86c46660 | 24468684 | SIG | |
XZ compressed source tarball | Source release | 60fe018fffc7f33818e6c340d29e2db9 | 18261096 | SIG | |
macOS 64-bit Intel installer | macOS | for macOS 10.9 and later | 3f609e58e06685f27ff3306bbcae6565 | 29801336 | SIG |
Windows embeddable package (32-bit) | Windows | efbe9f5f3a6f166c7c9b7dbebbe2cb24 | 7328313 | SIG | |
Windows embeddable package (64-bit) | Windows | 61db96411fc00aea8a06e7e25cab2df7 | 8190247 | SIG | |
Windows help file | Windows | 8d59fd3d833e969af23b212537a27c15 | 8534307 | SIG | |
Windows installer (32-bit) | Windows | ed99dc2ec9057a60ca3591ccce29e9e4 | 27064968 | SIG | |
Windows installer (64-bit) | Windows | Recommended | 325ec7acd0e319963b505aea877a23a4 | 28151648 | SIG |
如果安装的是2.4或2.7的python版本,将不会自带pip 包;此时需要手动在pip的官网下载安装包;
pip · PyPIThe PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages.https://pypi/project/pip/#files
注意选择下载文件tar.gz(比如pip-22.1.2.tar.gz );下载完的压缩包,可以使用7zip软件解压出来,然后把解压目录里所有文件拷贝到python.exe所在的目录,然后在命令行下执行:
python setup.py install,将会开始安装pip包。setup文件来自于刚才的解压缩包。
安装完pip后,就可以用pip install 命令来自动下载和安装别的包。
比如 pip install pyinstaller==3.5 可用来安装pyinstaller包,版本是3.5;