





基于基于 QT的的电子相册开发及移植电子相册开发及移植 Electronic photo album application program development based on QT and explanted 目目 录录 目录 摘要 关键词 Key words 1 前言 1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1.2 嵌入式软件技术发展现状与未来 1.3 课题内容研究 2linux和 qt及开发板简介 2.1linux主要特性 2.2QT开发工具简介 2.3ARM9 简介 3 嵌入式终端电子相册构架设计 3.1 电子相册构架设计 3.2 电子相册界面设计 3.3 电子相册结构设计 4 算法设计和实现 4.1 电子相册类结构设计 4.2 电子相册功能实现 5 电子相册的移植 5.1 6 总结和展望 参考文献 致谢 基于基于 QT的嵌入式终端应用程序开发的嵌入式终端应用程序开发 电子相册开发电子相册开发 摘摘 要要 随着社会进步的越来越快,电子商品每天都日新月异,数码相机也越来越 普及,我们可以更方便快捷地留下美好的瞬间。但是随着相片的不断增加,使 管理照片的难度也达到了一个新的高度为了让人们更有效地管理、随时随地只 要有网络就能够快速查询到不同时间、不同地点所拍的照片,故而开发了这套 电子相册统。另外这个电子相册还包括图片的放大缩小等其他功能,使对照片 的管理更加方便。 关键词 嵌入式 Linux; Qt; 图形用户界面; 电子相册 ;移植 Electronic photo album application program development based on QT and explanted Abstract More and more embbeded Embedded Terminal need graphics user interfaceGUI. A good Human-Computer Interaction interface is the key technology of embedded system design. Higher demands of the practicality, aesthetics and audio-visual entertainment of embedded terminal are needed, especially in embbeded system handheld device. Notepad and electronic photo album are becoming an integral part of embedded device for their pracicality and good viewing. It has some practical significance and value to develop a notepad and an album with beautiful interface, rich functions and good interaction based on embedded terminal. The aim of this paper is to design and implement a notepad and an album in the embeded terminal environment. This paper presented the advantage of Linux and the building of QT developing environment, focused on the programming mechanism of developing software with Qt. It analysed the needs of the design, designed the specific interface and overall structure of notepad and album in the embeded terminal environment according to features of embedded application.This project designed and implemented the relevant functions of norepadsuch as new file,open file ,edit file and delete file as well as the relevant functions of albumsuch as enlarge 、minif




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