





With the cloud now being the defacto IT system for businesses of every size, for many the costs of not migrating to the cloud could far outweigh the costs of the actual migration. The cloud can give every business new opportunities to explore the potential for IT to revolutionize their operations, with a number of different SaaS (Software as a Service) applications designed to benefit a business from the second they are deployed. Here we will look at some of the reasons why not choosing the cloud could do your business more harm than good.

随着云成为各种规模企业的实际IT系统,许多不迁移到云的成本可能远远超过实际迁移的成本。 云可以为每家企业提供新的机会,以探索IT变革其运营的潜力,其中许多不同的SaaS(软件即服务)应用程序旨在从部署第二种业务中受益。 在这里,我们将探讨为什么不选择云可能会对您的业务造成弊大于利的一些原因。

1 –生产力可能会受到影响 (1 – Productivity could be impacted)

SaaS applications such as Microsoft Sharepoint that are delivered through the cloud can help boost productivity amongst your employees and with such tools being deployed across a large number of organisations, you could be putting your business at a disadvantage by failing to invest in such collaboration tools. By giving employees tools that not only encourage but also assist them in working together, complex projects that could take months to complete could see their completion dates bought forward by a significant amount. SaaS applications also provide a platform on which large amounts of data can be shared seamlessly, for example Salesforce provides one central database from which your employees can access the CRM data for your business.

通过云交付的SaaS应用程序(例如Microsoft Sharepoint)可以帮助提高员工的工作效率,并且由于在众多组织中部署了此类工具,因此如果不投资此类协作工具,您的企业将处于不利地位。 通过为员工提供不仅可以鼓励而且可以帮助他们共同工作的工具,可能需要数月才能完成的复杂项目可以看到他们的完成日期被大量购买。 SaaS应用程序还提供了一个平台,在该平台上可以无缝共享大量数据,例如Salesforce提供了一个中央数据库,您的员工可以从该中央数据库访问您企业的CRM数据。

2 –您支付的费用可能超出您的实际需要 (2 – You could be paying more than you really need to)

Although the economy is displaying a good recovery, the importance of being able to cut costs if this can be done so without impacting on quality should never be underestimated. Currently where you are using a farm of physical servers, you could probably get the same level of performance and functionality from the cloud for a lower cost.

尽管经济显示出良好的复苏势头,但如果能够做到这一点,那么在不影响质量的前提下削减成本的重要性绝对不可低估。 当前,在使用物理服务器场的地方,您可能会以较低的成本从云中获得相同级别的性能和功能。

Reducing your IT costs can be achieved through the consolidation of multiple physical servers into a smaller footprint in the cloud, whilst with less physical servers your need for on-site support staff will most likely be greatly reduced. The money saved here could then be invested in other parts of your business in order to spur growth.

通过将多个物理服务器整合到一个较小的云中,可以降低IT成本,而物理服务器越少,您对现场支持人员的需求就越有可能大大减少。 然后,这里节省的资金可以投资到业务的其他部分,以刺激增长。

3 –不跟进可能会给他人带来竞争优势 (3 – Not keeping up could give others a competitive advantage)

If your competitors are moving to the cloud and you are yet to do so, then you should pause for a second and ask yourself why. If everyone else is migrating to the cloud and your business isn’t then you could unwittingly be giving your rivals a serious competitive advantage. The construct of the cloud will give them the option to rapidly increase their capacity when necessary, whereas your business with a non-cloud infrastructure could be left behind as you struggle to add physical servers to your network in order to cope with capacity.

如果您的竞争对手正在迁移到云并且您尚未迁移到云,那么您应该暂停一秒钟并问自己为什么。 如果其他所有人都迁移到云中,而您的企业却没有,那么您可能会不知不觉地为您的竞争对手提供了巨大的竞争优势。 云的构建将为他们提供在必要时快速增加其容量的选项,而您在使用非云基础架构的业务可能会被抛在后面,因为您难以为网络添加物理服务器以应对容量。

Websites visitors prefer a trouble-free experience, one with which pages load quickly and they’re able to place orders in just a few clicks; if your website receives visitor spikes every now and then, but doesn’t have the capacity in place to effectively and efficiently handle them, then visitors are likely to go to the websites of your rivals to complete their order instead, the idea being that the rival will be able to offer a smoother end-user experience. Migrating to the cloud will give you the tools that you require to expand your infrastructure as your needs dictate, with affordability being justified by the fact that you will only be billed for the resources that you use.

网站访问者更喜欢无故障的体验,即快速加载页面并且只需单击几下就可以下订单。 如果您的网站时不时地收到访问量高峰,但没有有效,高效地处理访问量的能力,则访问者很可能会访问竞争对手的网站来完成订单,其想法是竞争对手将能够提供更流畅的最终用户体验。 迁移到云将为您提供扩展您的基础架构所需的工具,并根据您的需求指示其价格合理性,因为您只需为使用的资源付费即可。

4 –现有系统可能易受攻击 (4 – Existing systems could be vulnerable)

Cloud systems have been built from the ground up with security in mind. With much of the data stored in the cloud being encrypted, it is becoming harder for hackers to steal any usable information when hacking corporate IT systems; these high levels of encryption will also go some way to assuring your customers that their information will be stored safely once they’ve handed it over to you. Whilst security issues will always exist with IT infrastructures, cloud data and the underlying hardware is protected to a greater extent than legacy systems have been. If anything, a migration to the cloud is likely to provide you with nothing but improved security over your existing systems.

云系统是从头开始构建的,并考虑了安全性。 由于存储在云中的许多数据都是经过加密的,因此黑客在入侵公司IT系统时窃取任何可用信息变得越来越困难。 这些高级别的加密还可以确保您的客户将信息移交给您后,就可以安全地进行存储。 尽管IT基础架构始终存在安全问题,但是与传统系统相比,云数据和底层硬件受到的保护程度更大。 如果有的话,向云的迁移很可能只会为您提供对现有系统的更高安全性。

5 –云使您的员工可以移动 (5 – The cloud lets your employees be mobile)

Whilst mobile working is required for some roles, it is a huge part of workplace culture for nearly every role in a modern business. Giving your employees the opportunity to work from home one day a week can be a huge boost to motivation, and the cloud is instrumental in letting your employees be mobile. Data stored in the cloud can be accessed from a wide variety of devices, no matter what OS is being used; smartphones, tablets, desktop PCs and laptops are the main devices used for cloud access and with smartphones, tablets and laptops being portable devices, employees are able to take access to the corporate cloud with them wherever they go.

尽管某些角色需要移动工作,但对于现代企业中几乎所有角色而言,它都是工作场所文化的重要组成部分。 给您的员工每周一天在家工作的机会可以极大地激发动力,而云有助于让员工移动。 无论使用什么操作系统,都可以从各种各样的设备访问存储在云中的数据。 智能手机,平板电脑,台式电脑和笔记本电脑是用于云访问的主要设备,而智能手机,平板电脑和笔记本电脑是便携式设备,员工无论身在何处都可以随身访问公司云。

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