'tag.htm'; break; case 'flag': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'flag.htm'; break; case 'my': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'my.htm'; break; case 'my_password': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'my_password.htm'; break; case 'my_bind': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'my_bind.htm'; break; case 'my_avatar': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'my_avatar.htm'; break; case 'home_article': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'home_article.htm'; break; case 'home_comment': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'home_comment.htm'; break; case 'user': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'user.htm'; break; case 'user_login': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'user_login.htm'; break; case 'user_create': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'user_create.htm'; break; case 'user_resetpw': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'user_resetpw.htm'; break; case 'user_resetpw_complete': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'user_resetpw_complete.htm'; break; case 'user_comment': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'user_comment.htm'; break; case 'single_page': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'single_page.htm'; break; case 'search': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'search.htm'; break; case 'operate_sticky': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'operate_sticky.htm'; break; case 'operate_close': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'operate_close.htm'; break; case 'operate_delete': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'operate_delete.htm'; break; case 'operate_move': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'operate_move.htm'; break; case '404': $pre .= $default_pre .= '404.htm'; break; case 'read_404': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'read_404.htm'; break; case 'list_404': $pre .= $default_pre .= 'list_404.htm'; break; default: $pre .= $default_pre .= theme_mode_pre(); break; } if ($config['theme']) { $conffile = APP_PATH . 'view/template/' . $config['theme'] . '/conf.json'; $json = is_file($conffile) ? xn_json_decode(file_get_contents($conffile)) : array(); } !empty($json['installed']) and $path_file = APP_PATH . 'view/template/' . $config['theme'] . '/htm/' . ($id ? $id . '_' : '') . $pre; (empty($path_file) || !is_file($path_file)) and $path_file = APP_PATH . 'view/template/' . $config['theme'] . '/htm/' . $pre; if (!empty($config['theme_child']) && is_array($config['theme_child'])) { foreach ($config['theme_child'] as $theme) { if (empty($theme) || is_array($theme)) continue; $path_file = APP_PATH . 'view/template/' . $theme . '/htm/' . ($id ? $id . '_' : '') . $pre; !is_file($path_file) and $path_file = APP_PATH . 'view/template/' . $theme . '/htm/' . $pre; } } !is_file($path_file) and $path_file = APP_PATH . ($dir ? 'plugin/' . $dir . '/view/htm/' : 'view/htm/') . $default_pre; return $path_file; } function theme_mode_pre($type = 0) { global $config; $mode = $config['setting']['website_mode']; $pre = ''; if (1 == $mode) { $pre .= 2 == $type ? 'portal_category.htm' : 'portal.htm'; } elseif (2 == $mode) { $pre .= 2 == $type ? 'flat_category.htm' : 'flat.htm'; } else { $pre .= 2 == $type ? 'index_category.htm' : 'index.htm'; } return $pre; } ?>Google Chrome

Google Chrome


Google Chrome

Google Chrome

Google Chrome - JavaScript版本(Google Chrome - JavaScript version)

Google Chrome支持哪些版本的JavaScript与Mozilla Firefox相关? 换句话说,Chrome是否支持Firefox 1.6,1.7或1.8哪些Firefox也支持或者它们的组合?

Which version of JavaScript does Google Chrome support in relation to Mozilla Firefox? In other words, does Chrome support JavaScript 1.6, 1.7, or 1.8 which Firefox also supports or some combination of them?



此代码将在Firefox 3.5上运行,但不能在使用V8的Chrome上运行:

<script language="javascript" type="application/javascript;version=1.7"> function foo(){ let a = 4; alert(a); }; foo();</script>

如果您将语言更改为“javascript1.7”并省略该类型,那么Firefox 3.5中的JS 1.7功能将不会运行。 类型部分是必要的。

这似乎与一般的WebKit错误相关, https ://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id =23097 ; 这可能是Chrome模拟Safari行为,即使它使用不同的引擎。

当被问及如何支持JS 1.8功能时 ,V8团队表示他们正在尝试跟踪Safari中使用的版本,因此页面在两个浏览器中都会相同。

While Chrome will execute Javascript marked as "javascript1.7", it does not support JS1.7 features like the "let" scoped variable operator.

This code will run on Firefox 3.5 but not on Chrome using V8:

<script language="javascript" type="application/javascript;version=1.7"> function foo(){ let a = 4; alert(a); }; foo();</script>

If you change language to "javascript1.7" and omit the type, it won't run with JS 1.7 features in Firefox 3.5. The type section is necessary.

This seems to be related to a general WebKit bug, .cgi?id=23097; it may be that Chrome emulates the Safari behavior even though it uses a different engine.

When asked about supporting JS 1.8 features, the V8 team said they were trying to track the version used in Safari so pages would act the same in both browsers.



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