Z-index在ie中不起作用(Z-index does not work in ie)我的网页上有多个div。 有这个javascript幻灯片放映,我已经在该幻灯片放置菜单,并将div定位为绝对。 我用z-indexes格式化了订单。 它们在firefox中运行得很完美,但Internet Explorer无法正常工作。 什么是解决方案。
I have multiple divs in my webpage. there is this javascript slide show and i have put a menu over that slideshow and positioned the div absolute. I have formatted the order with z-indexes. They work perfect in firefox but Internet Explorer does not work on that. what can be the solution.
Thanks in advance.
明确地表明position: relative; 或者 position: absolute; 并且两种方式也设置z-index: 0; 或者您可以使用的最低值。
确保1到100之间的值是安全的。 可能更像是1-255,但我含糊地回忆起一些旧问题,......
If you have a full page wrapper div anywhere or can make one or there is an ancestor/parent div you can freely alter,...
Explicitly state position: relative; or position: absolute; and either way also set z-index: 0; or the lowest value you can use.
Also some browsers (especially some IEs) allow a smaller range of z-index.
For sure values between 1 and 100 are safe. Probably more like 1-255 but I vaguely recall some old issue,...