Putty - 看不到错误堆栈跟踪[关闭](Putty - Can't See Top of Error Stack Trace [closed])我在Putty上编码(用C ++表示它的价值)我正在遇到一个错误,它给了我很长的堆栈跟踪。 显然,痕迹是如此之长,以至于Putty不会让我滚动到它起源的最顶端(我键入“make”)。 有没有办法解决这个问题(明显修复错误除外)?
I am coding on Putty (in C++ for what it's worth) and I am currently encountering an error that gives me a really long stack trace. Apparently, the trace is so long that Putty won't let me scroll to the very top where it originated (where I typed "make"). Is there any way around this (except by obviously fixing the error)?
更改窗口缓冲区大小。 打开Putty,加载连接(不要双击或点击打开),单击左侧面板上的Window并将Lines of scrollback增加到类似3000的值(我认为默认值为200)。 同样,加载连接,然后在Session下的左侧面板上,您将拥有子类别logging ,您可以在其中设置将记录整个会话历史记录的文件。There are two ways.
Change the Window buffer size. Open Putty, load the connection (don't double-click or hit open), click on Window on the left panel and increase the Lines of scrollback to something like 3000 (I think the default is 200). Same way, load the connection, and then on the left panel under Session you will have the sub-category logging where you can set a file where the entire session history will be recorded.