c# - Issue with OAuth Middleware Persisting identity.external Cookie in .NET API with Custom JWT Authentication - Stack Overflow
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I am implementing OAuth authentication (Google & Facebook) in my .NET API using Entity Framework an
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I am implementing OAuth authentication (Google & Facebook) in my .NET API using Entity Framework an
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I'd like to pull in the jquery library from my javascript include.Does this work 100% of the time?
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I have made a invoice format in g sheet as below:In the cell B8:C8 (below Invoice To), there is a dropd
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I made my own WYSIWYG text-editor.The contenteditable-field is a div, see code below:<div spellcheck
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PrerequisitesI'm using Bref to run my PHP Laravel app on AWS Lambda. I've had a requirement
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I have a list in HTML which looks like<a onclick="open_file()" id="3.txt">3.t
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I need to load only the subscribers$args = array('role' => 'Subscriber');$subscribers = get_use
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I'm building a metronome in React Native. After playing a click, I set a setTimeout for the next c
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I tried php artisan storage:link, in the terminal it said "link has been connected" but when
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I have a firebase storage path that looks like this.firebase.storage().ref('temptest')the
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I have a requirement of changing focus of elements in a div by using tab key. focus should not be moved
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Working on a javascript-canvas based clock (classic analog clock view), also displaying the current dat
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I have tried doing some research on this but haven't found anything solid yet. I have a plugin I am working on and
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I have an ExtJs label in a field set and I am using ExtJs 3.4.{xtype : 'fieldset',layout :
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I am trying to archive sign in with google account, was able to do it.But the problem is, after one ti
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I'm not good with programming, so I really would like some help. I need a code that shows and hide
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I have an issue that is happening in my Azure Function and Service Bus usage with Mass Transit implemen
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I have one little problem with HTML5.<input type="date" id="birthday" >I wan
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I don't want to style the default widget with only CSS. I want to display the default 'Categories' widget
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I'm using passport.js for the authentication and handling of sessions in my project. I use email t