





var data_1 = [



    var data_2 = [



    Input 1 = Jhon,10
    Input 2 = Ellis,9

    Step 1: find all students in same class 

    //case 1 (in this case we use Data_1)
    var input_1_child = Jhon,Alex,Harry; (all these names belongs in same class)
    var input_2_child = Ellis,Austin,Jamie;  (all these names belongs in same class)

    Find matches from step 1 childs (match if any name is common in both childs)
    Result = False ( in this case there is no common name between "input_1_child" and "input_2_child" so result is false and we move to next step 2)

    // case 2  (in this case we use Data_2)
    var input_1_child = Jhon,Alex,Ryan;
    var input_2_child = Ellis,Ryan,Jamie;   

    Find matches from step 1 childs (match if any name is common in both childs)
    Result = True ( Ryan is common name between "input_1_child" and "input_2_child" so result is true so we return data like below)

    return [[0],[2]] - [[7],[8]];

    in above result we return two diffrent array , in first array  0 refres to index value of first input and in second array 7 refres to index value of second input so first item in array will always be input index
    and 2 and 8 refres to index value of "Ryan" which is common in both childs 

    //Step 2: this will execute only when step 1 results are false

     In step 1 we find all child's of Input 1  now we go one more deep level and find child's of child like below

    from Jhon we found 2 other names which is Alex and harray now we find all child's of those two other names

    Note in this case we use "data_1" 

    [0]   => index value in data array
    Jhone => name
    :10   => class

    Input 1 => [0]Jhone:10 -> [1]Alex:10 , [2]harray:10 
                               |            |
                               |            | 
                               |       No Other harray found in data
                              [7]Alex:6-> [5]Isaac:6, [6]David:6 

    Input 2 => [8]Ellis:9 -> [9]Austin:9 , [10]Jamie:9 
                              |            |
                              |            | 
                              |       No Other Jamie found in data
                             [6]Austin:6-> [5]Isaac:6, [6]David:6                 

    and again match 2nd level childs of input 1 with input two and return rsults like below

    return [[0],[1],[7],[5]] - [[8],[9],[6],[5]];

**    NOTE:  if results are false in step 2 then repeat this process one more deep level child's until match found**


public function Matrix(Request $request) {
        $list_id = $request->input('id');
        //user Input
        $input_1 = $request->input('name');
        $input_1   = explode('|', $input_1);
        $input_2 = $request->input('name2');
        $input_2   = explode('|', $input_2);
       $input_name_1   = $input_1[0];
       $input_uuid_1   = $request->input('name_one_class');
       $input_id_1    = $input_1[2];
       $input_name_2   = $input_2[0];
       $input_uuid_2   = $request->input('name_two_class');
       $input_id_2    = $input_2[2];
       $this->global_input_1_uid = $input_uuid_1;
        // case 1
       $case1_0  = Sheet::where([['uid', $input_uuid_1], ['name', $input_name_2]])->get();
       $case1_1  = Sheet::where([['uid', $input_uuid_2], ['name', $input_name_1]])->get();
       if(count($case1_0) > 0) {
           //return  $case1_0[0]->uid;
           $cfi1 = Sheet::whereIn('id',[$input_id_1])->get();
           $cfi2 = Sheet::whereIn('id',[$input_id_2])->get();
           $Mat_res = [$cfi1,$cfi2];
           return view('results')->with('data', $Mat_res)->with('name2', $input_2)->with('name', $input_1)->with('case', 0);
       }else if( count($case1_1) > 0) {
             $cfi1 = Sheet::whereIn('id',[$input_id_1])->get();
           $cfi2 = Sheet::whereIn('id',[$input_id_2])->get();
           $Mat_res = [$cfi1,$cfi2];
           return view('results')->with('data', $Mat_res)->with('name2', $input_2)->with('name', $input_1)->with('case', 0);
       }else {
       // case 2   
          $case_2_1_list = Sheet::where([['uid', $input_uuid_1]])->get();
          $case_2_2_list = Sheet::where([['uid', $input_uuid_2]])->get();
          $case_2_1_list_name_array = Sheet::where([['uid', $input_uuid_1]])->whereNotIn('id', [$input_id_1])->pluck('name')->toArray();
          $case_2_2_list_name_array = Sheet::where([['uid', $input_uuid_2]])->whereNotIn('id', [$input_id_2])->pluck('name')->toArray();
          $result_pre = array_intersect($case_2_1_list_name_array, $case_2_2_list_name_array);
          $intersection = array_intersect($case_2_1_list_name_array, $case_2_2_list_name_array);
          //$intersection = implode(',', $intersection);
           //return  $case_2_2_list_name_array;
          if($result_pre == true) {
              $Mat_res =  [$input_uuid_1,$input_uuid_2,$intersection];
              return view('results')->with('intersection', $intersection)->with('uid1', $input_uuid_1)->with('uid2', $input_uuid_2)->with('name2', $input_2)->with('name', $input_1)->with('case', 1);
         }else {
              // return $input_uuid_1.' - '.$input_uuid_2;
            // return $in_class_two;
              // get all first level childs
       //$child_1_level_1 =  Sheet::where('name', $input_1)->pluck('uid')->toArray();
       $child_1_level_1 =  Sheet::where([['uid','=', $input_uuid_1],['lid','=', 1]])->whereNotIn('name', [$input_1])->get();
      // $child_2_level_1 =  Sheet::where('name', $input_2)->pluck('uid')->toArray();
     //return $child_1_level_1;
       $child_2_level_1 =  Sheet::where('uid','=', $input_uuid_2)->whereNotIn('name', [$input_2])->where('lid', $list_id)->get();
       return $child_2_level_1;
       $nokia = Sheet::where([['name', '=', $input_name_1], ['uid', '=', $input_uuid_1]])->get();
       $sony = Sheet::where([['name', '=', $input_name_2], ['uid', '=', $input_uuid_2]])->get();
       $child_1_level_1 = $this->setRoute($nokia[0]->id, $child_1_level_1);
       $child_2_level_1 = $this->setRoute($sony[0]->id, $child_2_level_1);
       //return $child_1_level_1;
       array_push($this->final_list_1, $child_1_level_1);
       array_push($this->final_list_2, $child_2_level_1);
       array_push($this->exclude_list, 0);
       $matrix_result_1 = $this->theEnd(1);
       $matrix_result_2 = $this->theEnd(2);
       $a1 =  array_keys($matrix_result_1);
       $a2 =  array_keys($matrix_result_2);
       $Mat_res = array();
       $check = false;
       foreach ($matrix_result_1 as $key => $value) {
           if($check == true) {break;}
            foreach ($matrix_result_2 as $key2 => $value2) {
                 if($check == true) {break;}
                 if($key == $key2) {
                    //return [$value, $value2];
                    $mk1 = explode("|",$value);
                    $mk2 = explode("|",$value2);
                    $mk1str = implode(',', $mk1);
                    $mk2str = implode(',', $mk2);// ADD ARRAY REVERSE HERE ******************************************IMPOERTANT**************************** $mk2str = implode(',', array_reverse($mk2));
                    //return [$mk1,$mk2];
                    $mat1 = $this->removeRepeatedParent($mk1,$mk1str,1);
                    $mat2 = $this->removeRepeatedParent($mk2,$mk2str,2);
                    //return [$mat1,'--------------------------------------------',$mat2];
                    //$mat1 = Sheet::whereIn('id', $mk1)->orderByRaw(DB::raw("FIELD(id, $mk1str)"))->get();
                    //$mat2 = Sheet::whereIn('id', $mk2)->orderByRaw(DB::raw("FIELD(id, $mk2str)"))->get();
                    $data = [$mat1, $mat2];
                    array_push($Mat_res, $data);
                    //$check = true;
       return view('results')->with('data', $Mat_res)->with('name2', $input_2)->with('name', $input_1)->with('case', 5);





Graph theory

Graph Data Structure And Algorithms

Thinking in Graphs



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