Mobaxterm is a secure remote connection tool suite that provides SSH, VNC, and RDP protocols, and much more. MobaXterm provides the ultimate toolbox for remote computing. MobaXterm is created for Windows operating systems where Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows Servers are supported.
Mobaxterm是一个安全的远程连接工具套件,可提供SSH,VNC和RDP协议等。 MobaXterm提供了用于远程计算的终极工具箱。 MobaXterm是为支持Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10和Windows Server的Windows操作系统创建的。
Whats makes the MobaXterm so great is a single applications will provide and support a lot f different protocols, standards in a single applications. With MobaXterm you can create an SSH server in the Windows with just few clicks or connect remote X11 desktop service from a Windows system easily without any problem.
是什么使MobaXterm如此出色,因为单个应用程序将在单个应用程序中提供并支持许多不同的协议,标准。 使用MobaXterm,您只需单击几下即可在Windows中创建SSH服务器,或轻松地从Windows系统连接远程X11桌面服务,而不会出现任何问题。
Mobaxterm版本和许可证 (Mobaxterm Versions and License)
MobaXterm is normally a paid application but a free version of the MobaXterm is provided to the users in order to show its great features. MobaXterm is provided as two versions and licenses MobaXterm Home Edition
and MobaXterm Professional Edition
MobaXterm通常是付费应用程序,但向用户提供了MobaXterm的免费版本,以显示其强大功能。 MobaXterm提供两个版本,并提供MobaXterm Home Edition
和MobaXterm Professional Edition
家庭版 (Home Edition)
As a free version Home Edition provides useful features which may be enough for some users. In Home edition of the MobaXterm full X server and SSH server can be run on a Windows operating system. Also remote sessions like RDP, VNC, Xdmcp and remote terminals SSH, telnet, rlogin can be used with some sessions restrictions. Currently maximum 12 sessions can be run at the same time and maximum 2 SSH tunnels can be created.
作为免费版本,家庭版提供了有用的功能,对于某些用户而言可能就足够了。 MobaXterm Full X服务器和SSH服务器的家庭版可以在Windows操作系统上运行。 远程会话(如RDP,VNC,Xdmcp和远程终端SSH,telnet,rlogin)也可以在某些会话限制下使用。 当前最多可以同时运行12个会话,并且最多可以创建2个SSH隧道。
- Full X server and SSH support完整的X服务器和SSH支持
- Remote desktop (RDP, VNC, Xdmcp)远程桌面(RDP,VNC,Xdmcp)
- Remote terminal (SSH, telnet, rlogin, Mosh) 远程终端(SSH,telnet,rlogin,Mosh)
- X11-Forwarding X11转发
- Automatic SFTP browser自动SFTP浏览器
- Plugins support插件支持
- Portable and installer versions便携式和安装程序版本
- Full documentation完整文件
- Max. 12 sessions 最高12节
- Max. 2 SSH tunnels 最高2个SSH隧道
- Max. 4 macros 最高4个宏
- Max. 360 seconds for Tftp, Nfs and Cron 最高Tftp,Nfs和Cron的360秒
专业版 (Professional Edition)
Professional edition provides all great features of the MobaXterm without any restriction. Server support for SSH, VNC, RDP on the Windows operating system. There is no limit about maximum session count and network daemons. Also professional support provided in any problem. This license provides life time use without any annual license fee.
专业版提供MobaXterm的所有强大功能,没有任何限制。 Windows操作系统上的服务器支持SSH,VNC,RDP。 关于最大会话数和网络守护程序没有限制。 如有任何问题,还将提供专业支持。 该许可证可终身使用,无需支付任何年度许可证费用。
- Every feature from Home Edition +家庭版的所有功能+
- Customize your startup message and logo 自定义您的启动消息和徽标
- Modify your profile script修改您的个人资料脚本
- Remove unwanted games, screensaver or tools删除不需要的游戏,屏保或工具
- Unlimited number of sessions会话数不限
- Unlimited number of tunnels and macros无限数量的隧道和宏
- Unlimited run time for network daemons网络守护程序的运行时间不受限制
- Master password support主密码支持
- Professional support专业的支持
- Lifetime right to use终身使用权
下载MobaXterm(Download MobaXterm)
We will prefer the home edition which is enough and free for us. Mobaxterm for Windows can be downloaded from the following link. As of writing, this post latest version of the Mobaxterm was 10.2. There is two option to download and install.
我们会偏爱足够免费的家庭版。 可以从以下链接下载适用于Windows的Mobaxterm。 撰写本文时,此最新版本的Mobaxterm为10.2。 有两个选项可以下载和安装。
MobaXterm便携式版本 (MobaXterm Portable Version)
The portable version of MobaXterm does not require installation or any admin’s rights to make changes in the computer. In order to use this version just extract the downloaded zip file and click mobaxterm.exe
MobaXterm的便携式版本不需要安装或任何管理员权限即可在计算机中进行更改。 为了使用此版本,只需解压缩下载的zip文件,然后单击mobaxterm.exe
MobaXterm安装程序版本 (MobaXterm Installer Version)
Installer version requires to download installer and run with administrator privileges for installation.
Alternatively the following link can be used to download the latest free version of the MobaXterm.
安装MobaTermX (Install MobaTermX)
We will install mobaxterm with the following steps
We will see the following MobaXterm installation start screen. Just click to the “Next” button for the next screen.
我们将看到以下MobaXterm安装开始屏幕。 只需单击“下一步”按钮进入下一个屏幕。
First we will accept the license agreement by checking “I accept the terms in the License Agreement” checkbox and click to the “Next”.
In this step we will select the installation folder where all executable files and libraries stored. The default path is good for us.
在此步骤中,我们将选择存储所有可执行文件和库的安装文件夹。 默认路径对我们有利。
If the installation is complete succesfully we will see the following screen and click to the “Finish”.
创建本地外壳(Create Local Shell)
As we know Linux jargon uses shell for command-line interfaces. We can create a shell in the local Windows system. This shell is similar to the MS-DOS command-line interface but provides more features and some eye candy. In order to start the local command line click Start local terminal
众所周知,Linux行话使用Shell作为命令行界面。 我们可以在本地Windows系统中创建一个Shell。 该外壳程序类似于MS-DOS命令行界面,但是提供了更多功能和一些吸引人的地方。 为了启动本地命令行,请单击“ Start local terminal
When the local shell is created we will see a screen like that. We can also create multiple local shells by using the + sign. Local shell provides information like current user, date and time information.
创建本地外壳程序后,我们将看到一个类似的屏幕。 我们还可以使用+号创建多个本地shell。 本地外壳程序提供诸如当前用户,日期和时间信息之类的信息。
Mobaxshell provides a smooth Linux desktop tools experience.
启动本地服务器和服务 (Start Local Servers and Services)
Mobaxterm have a great feature. Normally in order to create VNC, SSH, FTP in local windows system we will download related tools separately. Mobaxterm provides more of them. Click Servers
from toolbar.
Mobaxterm具有很大的功能。 通常,为了在本地Windows系统中创建VNC,SSH,FTP,我们将单独下载相关工具。 Mobaxterm提供了更多此类服务。 从工具栏中单击Servers
We will see the following servers management screen. Here we can start and stop services like TFTP, FTP, HTTP, SSH/SFTP, Telnet, NFS, VNC, Cron, Iperf without install any extra executable, library or Windows update.
我们将看到以下服务器管理屏幕。 在这里,我们可以启动和停止TFTP,FTP,HTTP,SSH / SFTP,Telnet,NFS,VNC,Cron,Iperf等服务,而无需安装任何其他可执行文件,库或Windows更新。
We can use this screen in order to start, stop, restart and configure Mobaxterm services. The list of services Mobaxterm provide are
我们可以使用此屏幕来启动,停止,重新启动和配置Mobaxterm服务。 Mobaxterm提供的服务列表是
- Tftpftp
- Ftp Ftp
- Http Http
- Ssh SSH
- Sftp SFTP
- Telnet 远程登录
- Cron 克朗
创建会话新的SSH,Telnet,Rsh,VNC,RDP会话(Create Session New SSH, Telnet, Rsh, VNC, RDP Session)
We can create new sessions and save them for easy use. We will click Sessions
from toolbar like below in order to open new session creation screen.
我们可以创建新的会话并将其保存以方便使用。 我们将在下面的工具栏中单击“ Sessions
As stated in the begging the MobaXterm supports wide range of different protocols most of them are related with Linux and Unix. We will get a window which lists all supported connections types and protocols.
如乞stated所述,MobaXterm支持多种不同的协议,其中大多数与Linux和Unix有关。 我们将获得一个窗口,其中列出了所有受支持的连接类型和协议。
- Ssh SSH
- Telnet 远程登录
- RshRsh
- Xdmcp Xdmcp
- Rdp p
- Vnc Vnc
- Ftp Ftp
- Sftp SFTP
- Serial 序列号
- File文件
- Shell贝壳
- Browser浏览器
- Mosh莫什
As we can see this tool is like a swiss army knife. And we select Ssh
in this case.
如我们所见,此工具就像瑞士军刀。 在这种情况下,我们选择Ssh
And we will provide parameters for SSH connection to the following configuration window. We can provide following parameter and configuration about the SSH connection or session.
我们将提供SSH连接到以下配置窗口的参数。 我们可以提供有关SSH连接或会话的以下参数和配置。
Remote host
is a must where the remote SSH server IP address or hostname can be provided. Both IPv4 and IPv6 can be provided but in order to use hostname the DNS server must be working properly.
Remote host
是必须提供远程SSH服务器IP地址或主机名的位置。 可以提供IPv4和IPv6,但是为了使用主机名,DNS服务器必须正常工作。
Specify username
provide the remote session username.
Specify username
is the remote SSH server port number which is TCP 22 by default but can be change if i,ts required.
是远程SSH服务器端口号,默认情况下为TCP 22,但如果需要,可以更改。
There are also Advanced SSH Settings
, Terminal Settings
, Network settings
and Bookmark settings
about this SSH session and connection.
还有关于此SSH会话和连接的Advanced SSH Settings
, Terminal Settings
, Network settings
和Bookmark settings
翻译自: https://www.poftut/mobaxterm-installation-and-usage-for-windows-personal-edition/