I have plotted a histogram and would like to fit a poisson distribution to the histogram. To do this, I have passed the x and y histogram coordinate vector to the poissfit() function to estimate lambda.
expecteddata = cat(2,x,y) [l,lci] = poissfit(expecteddata)我的输出看起来像这样:
My output looks like so:
l = 44.3766 0.0130 lci = 42.8887 0.0003 45.8645 0.0724我假设对绘制感兴趣的lambda为0.013(我认为我的lambda很小,因为我的直方图是频率直方图).我使用以下方法绘制了泊松pdf格式:
I'm assuming the the lambda I'm interested in for plotting would be 0.013 (I think my lambda is so small because my histogram is a frequency histogram). I plot the poisson pdf using:
x = 0:50 y = poisspdf(x,0.013); plot(x,y,'r')然后我得到了结果叠加图:
And I get the resulting overlayed plot:
However, I think this fitted distribution looks a little odd. It doesn't appear to be very "poisson" like. Does anyone know if I'm doing anything incorrectly?
"I have plotted a histogram and would like to fit a poisson distribution to the histogram."
What I understand is you need to fit poisson distribution to a existing histogram of measured data. I believe you can use the fitdist() function.
For example, if your data is x.
[n,bin]=hist(x,100); m=n/trapz(bin,n); bar(bin,m,'w'); hold on pd=fitdist(x,'poisson'); y=pdf(pd,bin); plot(bin,y,'k'); hold off;将为您提供一个具有泊松分布曲线的直方图.
will give you a histogram with a poisson distributed curve fitted to it.