I can do this the proper way using dynamic programming but I can't figure out how to do it in exponential time.
我正在寻找两个字符串之间最大的公共子序列. 注意:我的意思是子序列而不是子字符串,组成序列的符号不必是连续的.
I'm looking to find the largest common sub-sequence between two strings. Note: I mean subsequences and not sub-strings the symbols that make up a sequence need not be consecutive.
推荐答案只需用递归调用替换动态编程代码中表中的查找.换句话说,只需实施 LCS 问题的递归公式即可:
Just replace the lookups in the table in your dynamic programming code with recursive calls. In other words, just implement the recursive formulation of the LCS problem:
In pseudocode (almost-python, actually):
def lcs(s1, s2): if len(s1)==0 or len(s2)==0: return 0 if s1[0] == s2[0]: return 1 + lcs(s1[1:], s2[1:]) return max(lcs(s1, s2[1:]), lcs(s1[1:], s2))