我收到 FB 错误无法完成此操作:已达到应用程序请求限制".有谁知道为什么会这样?如何查看限额?如何提高限额?什么取决于限额分配?
I am getting an FBerror "This operation can't be completed: Application request limit reached". Does anybody know why is it so? How to check the limit? How to increase the limit? What depends on the limit allocation?
I recently ran across this issue doing a large number of requests using an application access token (the initial project requirements mandated that the user shouldn't have to authorize the app).
在多次沮丧之后,我们终于与 Facebook 的一位联系人取得了联系,他在回答我关于请求限制的问题时提供了以下信息:
After much frustration, we finally were put in touch with a contact at Facebook who provided the following info in response to my question regarding request limits:
有一个限制,但它相当高,除非他们对所有调用使用相同的访问令牌而不是缓存结果等,否则应该很难达到.每个访问令牌每 600 秒 600 次调用.
There is a limit, but it's pretty high, it should be difficult to hit unless they're using the same access tokens for all calls and not caching results, etc. It's 600 calls per 600 seconds per access token.
最终我们最终要求用户授权,因为 Facebook 在计算其看似随意的请求限制时似乎没有区分用户访问令牌(每个用户一个令牌)和应用程序访问令牌(所有用户一个令牌).
Ultimately we ended up requiring the user to authorize, as Facebook does not seem to distinguish between user access tokens (one token per user) and application access tokens (one token for all users) when calculating its seemingly arbitrary request limits.
如果您在使用用户访问令牌时遇到此错误,您可能需要优化 API 调用(可能通过组合 FQL 查询或用单个 FQL 查询替换多个图形请求).
If you are running into this error with a user access token, you may need to optimize your API calls (possibly by combining FQL queries or replacing multiple Graph requests with a single FQL query).