I have list of students displaying in a page and I am storing the student information as object with id and name.
I want to add search box to search students if I got a scroll bar in the list.
And update the students list according to the search string.
Right now i am iterating student object array and checking the index of the search string in the name.
Is there any better algorithm to increase the performance.
搜索=功能(数据,查询字符串) { VAR解析度=新阵列(); 对于(STU数据){ 如果(stu.name.search(查询字符串)!= -1){ res.push(STU); } } 返回水库; }
search = function(data,queryString) { var res = new array(); for(stu in data){ if(stu.name.search(queryString) != -1){ res.push(stu); } } return res; }
You can build a sorted index and use binary search. Multiple indices if you need to search by multiple criteria, e.g. name or ID. Simpler to implement than a tree.