I have a list of interconnected edges (E), how can I find the shortest path connecting from one vertex to another?
I am thinking about using lowest common ancestors, but the edges don't have a clearly defined root, so I don't think the solution works.
Shortest path is defined by the minimum number of vertexes traversed.
I'm not sure if you need a path between every pair of nodes or between two particular nodes. Since someone has already given an answer addressing the former, I will address the latter.
如果你没有对图中的任何先验知识(如果你这样做,你可以使用启发式搜索等的 A * ),那么你应该使用广度优先搜索
If you don't have any prior knowledge about the graph (if you do, you can use a heuristic-based search such as A*) then you should use a breadth-first search.