Is there any good resource (book, reference, web site, application...) which explains how to compute time complexity of an algorithm?
由于,这是很难做出具体的事情在我的脑海里。有时它被谈论一个迭代有时间LG为n的复杂性;然后根据与该另一个循环变得n.lg N;有时他们用大欧米加符号来EX preSS它,有时大O等...
Because, it is hard to make the things concrete in my mind. Sometimes it is talking about an iteration has time complexity of lg n; and then according to the another loop it becomes n.lg n; and sometimes they use big omega notation to express it, sometimes big-o and etc...
These things are quite abstract to me. So, I need a resource which has good explanation and a lot of examples to make me see what's goin on.
Hopefully, I explained my problem clearly. I am quite sure that everyone who just started to study algorithms has also the same problem with me. So, maybe those experienced guys can also share their experience with us. Thanks...
I think the best book is Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein.
下面是 href="rads.stackoverflow/amzn/click/0262033844" rel="nofollow">。
Here is it on Amazon.