Declare @string varchar(max)='abc ___________ deffns ___ cg _ hif _______hh ihs';这是所需的输出:(每个连字符,无论长度如何,都应替换为姓氏)
this is the Output required : (Every hypen irrespective of length should be replaced with lastname)
abc lastname deffns lastname cg lastname hif lastname hh ihs这里的问题是,可以有很多可变长度的Hypens(最大长度可以是<20)...
The issue here is, there can be many Hypens of variable length(max length can be <20)...
I tried with many methods and settled with below approach..
select REPLACE(REPLACE(replace(stringcol,replicate('_',20),'LASTNAME'), replicate('_',19),'LASTNAME'), replicate('_',18),'LASTNAME') from table有没有办法有效地做到这一点..任何建议将是最受欢迎的
Is there a way to do accomplish this efficiently..any advice would be most welcome
First get rid of the multiple underscores, then do the replace.
select replace(replace(replace(@string, '_', '><' ), '<>', '' ), '><', 'LASTNAME' )