Exist a faster way to merge two deques than this?
# a, b are two deques. The maximum length # of a is greater than the current length # of a plus the current length of b while len(b): a.append(b.popleft())请注意,我对保留输入双端队列不感兴趣,只对尽快合并合并双端感兴趣.
Note that I'm not interested in preserving input deques, I'm only interested in having the merged one as fast as possible.
There's no need for elementwise appending, you can just use +=:
from collections import deque a = deque([1, 2, 3]) b = deque([4, 5, 6]) a += b print(a) deque([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])