我正在处理 LeetCode 上的一个问题(此处).当我完成这个问题时,我想出了:
I was working on a problem on LeetCode (Here). When I finished the problem, I came up with:
class MovingAverage { std::deque<int> numsToAverage; int maxSize; int currentTotal; public: /** Initialize your data structure here. */ MovingAverage(int size) { maxSize = size; currentTotal = 0; } double next(int val) { currentTotal += val; numsToAverage.push_back(val); if (numsToAverage.size() > maxSize) { currentTotal -= numsToAverage[0]; numsToAverage.pop_front(); } return (double)currentTotal / (double)numsToAverage.size(); } };后来,我看到另一个解决方案与我的非常相似,但使用了队列.出于好奇,我只将双端队列交换到队列,然后从第 18 个百分点(双端队列)跳到第 56 个百分点(队列).这是队列代码:
Afterwards, I saw that another solution was very similar to mine but used a queue. Out of curiosity, I swapped only the deque to a queue and I jumped from the 18th percentile (deque) to the 56th percentile (queue). Here's the queue code:
class MovingAverage { std::queue<int> numsToAverage; int maxSize; int currentTotal; public: /** Initialize your data structure here. */ MovingAverage(int size) { maxSize = size; currentTotal = 0; } double next(int val) { currentTotal += val; numsToAverage.push(val); if (numsToAverage.size() > maxSize) { currentTotal -= numsToAverage.front(); numsToAverage.pop(); } return (double)currentTotal / (double)numsToAverage.size(); } };我的问题特别为什么?我检查了std::队列,它默认为双端队列!为什么它会因为它是一个队列而更快?我唯一的猜测是它在某些地方缓存该值?但同时,一个队列,默认是一个双端队列!插入/删除时间简直再好不过了!
My question is specifically why? I checked std::queue and it defaults to a deque! Why on earth would it be faster just because it's a queue? My only guess is that it's caching that value some where? But at the same time, a queue, by default IS a deque! The insertion/deletion time literally can't be better!
(旁注,我没有考虑 size == 0 的情况,因为这个问题没有测试它.事实上,如果你把它交给 0,他们的代码会猛烈地破碎)
(Side note, I don't account for the case where size == 0 because the question doesn't test for it. In fact, their code violently shatters if you hand it 0)
Here is an educated guess:
Memory controllers have a prefetch "handedness" that rewards consecutive, ascending memory accesses but is slower for accesses in descending order.
因此,用作 FIFO 容器的双端队列具有在一侧推送和在另一侧弹出的首选方向.
Accordingly, deques used as a FIFO container have a preferred direction for pushing on one side and popping on the other.
Likely, your deque code uses the least favored direction. But the queue implementation is already optimized to use the underlying deque in its most favored direction.
有一个简单的方法来检验这个假设(假设这些是非保证的实现细节).在您的双端队列代码中,切换 push_back -->push_front 和 pop_front -->pop_back.如果假设是正确的,deque 代码应该和队列实现一样快:-)
There is an easy way to test this hypothesis (given that these are non-guaranteed implementation details). In your deque code, switch push_back --> push_front and pop_front --> pop_back. If the hypothesis is correct, the deque code should speed-up to just as fast as the queue implementation :-)