

本文介绍了在订单收到的回叫网址中附加订单和订单商品参数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述


function override_return_url($ return_url,$ order){ //创建空数组以存储url参数到 $ sku_list = array(); //订购产品 foreach($ order-> get_items()as $ key => $ item) { $ product = wc_get_product ($项[ 'PRODUCT_ID']); //获取每个产品的sku并将其插入数组 $ sku_list ['product _'。$ item ['product_id']。 'sku'] = $ product-> get_sku(); $ lolo =66; $ order_id = $ order-> get_user_id(); $ order_data = $ order-> get_data(); //订单数据 $ order_billing_country = $ order_data ['billing'] ['country']; $ order_payment_method = $ order_data ['payment_method']; $ b foreach($ order-> get_items()as $ item){ $ product_name = $ item ['name'] ; $ b foreach($ order-> get_items()as $ item){ //获取订单商品数据(在不受保护的数组中) $ item_data = $ item-> get_data(); //获取订单商品元数据(在不受保护的数组中) $ item_meta_data = $ item-> get_meta_data(); $ //在SKU数组中创建查询字符串 $ url_extension = http_build_query($ sku_list); //将我们的字符串追加到原始网址 $ modified_url = $ return_url。'&'。$ url_extension。'&'。$ lolo。'&'。$ order_id。'&' 。$ order_billing_country '和;'。$ order_payment_method。 '和;' $ PRODUCT_NAME。 '和;' $ item_meta_data。 返回$ modified_url; }


结果如下:> http:// localhost / checkout / order-received / 701 /?key = item_671sku =& 66& 1& MY& wc_dummy_gateway& helo& Array

在URL item_meta_data的最后部分,只有价值阵列不是真正的价值。





基本上,我想将这些元数据捕获到URL p>



http:// localhost / motio /结帐/订单接收/ 707 /键= wc_order_5ac0d4c435662&安培; product_671sku =安培; 66&安培; 707&安培; MY&安培; wc_dummy_gateway&安培; VBID = VBID-0a1141f2-s9wyooko&安培;昵称= usernickname&安培; email=useremail@email&域=用户域& offer_name = annual& offer_id = 5& subscription_id = 9

注意:我也想剥离out http:// www 为& domain =参数

vbid:vbid-0a1141f2-s9wyooko 昵称:usernickname 电子邮件:useremail@email 域名: http://www.user-domain。 优惠名称:每年 offer_id:5 subscription_id:9


object(WC_Cart)#986(11){[cart_contents] => array(0){} [removed_cart_contents] => array(0){} [applied_coupons] => array(0){} [tax_display_cart] =>字符串(4)excl[shipping_methods:protected] => NULL [default_totals:protected] =>数组(15){[小计] => int(0)[subtotal_tax] => int(0)[shipping_total] => int(0)[shipping_tax] => int(0)[shipping_taxes] => array(0){} [discount_total] => int(0)[discount_tax] => int(0)[cart_contents_total] => int(0)[cart_contents_tax] => int(0)[cart_contents_taxes] => array(0){} [fee_total] => int(0)[fee_tax] => int(0)[fee_taxes] => array(0){} [total] => int(0)[total_tax] => int(0)} [totals:protected] => array(0){} [session:protected] =>对象(WC_Cart_Session)#987(1){[cart:protected] => * RECURSION *} [fees_api:protected] => object(WC_Cart_Fees)#988(3){[fees:WC_Cart_Fees:private] => array(0){} [cart:WC_Cart_Fees:private] => * RECURSION * [default_fee_props:WC_Cart_Fees:private] => array(6){[id] =>字符串(0)[name] =>字符串(0)[tax_class] =>字符串(0)[taxable] => bool(false)[amount] => int(0)[total] => int(0)}} [cart_session_data] => array(15){[cart_contents_total] => int(0)[total] => int(0)[小计] => int(0)[subtotal_ex_tax] => int(0)[tax_total] => int(0)[taxes] => array(0){} [shipping_taxes] => array(0){} [discount_cart] => int(0)[discount_cart_tax] => int(0)[shipping_total] => int(0)[shipping_tax_total] => int(0)[coupon_discount_amounts] => array(0){} [coupon_discount_tax_amounts] => array(0){} [fee_total] => int(0)[费用] => array(0){}} [coupon_applied_count] =>数组(0){}}



$ modified_url = $ return_url。'&'。$ url_extension。'&'。$ lolo。'&'。$ ORDER_ID。 '和;'。$ order_billing_country '和;'。$ order_payment_method。 '和;' $ PRODUCT_NAME '和;'。$ item_meta_data; b

$ modified_url = $ return_url。'&'。$ url_extension。'&'。$ lolo。'&'。$ order_id。'&'。$ order_billing_country。'&'。$ order_payment_method。 '和;'。$ PRODUCT_NAME '和;'。http_build_query($ item_meta_data)。

如果这样不能解决您的问题,请分享 var_dump()变量 $ item_meta_data

In Woocommerce, I'm trying to get parameters values from order received (thankyou) URL, in the code below:

function override_return_url($return_url,$order){ //create empty array to store url parameters in $sku_list = array(); // retrive products in order foreach($order->get_items() as $key => $item) { $product = wc_get_product($item['product_id']); //get sku of each product and insert it in array $sku_list['product_'.$item['product_id'] . 'sku'] = $product->get_sku(); $lolo = "66"; $order_id = $order->get_user_id(); $order_data = $order->get_data(); // The Order data $order_billing_country = $order_data['billing']['country']; $order_payment_method = $order_data['payment_method']; } foreach($order->get_items() as $item) { $product_name = $item['name']; } foreach( $order->get_items() as $item ){ // get order item data (in an unprotected array) $item_data = $item->get_data(); // get order item meta data (in an unprotected array) $item_meta_data = $item->get_meta_data(); } } //build query strings out of the SKU array $url_extension = http_build_query($sku_list); //append our strings to original url $modified_url = $return_url.'&'.$url_extension.'&'.$lolo.'&'.$order_id.'&'.$order_billing_country.'&'.$order_payment_method.'&'.$product_name.'&'.$item_meta_data; return $modified_url; }

I'm very near trying to set the right url parameters…

This is the result : localhost/checkout/order-received/701/?key=wc_order_5ac08e6fef335&product_671sku=&66&1&MY&wc_dummy_gateway&helo&Array

At the last part of the URL item_meta_data, I only get value "Array" not the real value.

Any help is appreciated.

(I think it's something to do with unprotected array or something..)


added more info

Basically, I want to capture these meta data onto the URL


I'm trying to make the URL looks like this :


note : i also want to strip out the www for the &domain= parameters

vbid:vbid-0a1141f2-s9wyooko nickname:usernickname email:useremail@email domain:www.user-domain offer name:yearly offer_id:5 subscription_id:9

Var_Dump Data

object(WC_Cart)#986 (11) { ["cart_contents"]=> array(0) { } ["removed_cart_contents"]=> array(0) { } ["applied_coupons"]=> array(0) { } ["tax_display_cart"]=> string(4) "excl" ["shipping_methods":protected]=> NULL ["default_totals":protected]=> array(15) { ["subtotal"]=> int(0) ["subtotal_tax"]=> int(0) ["shipping_total"]=> int(0) ["shipping_tax"]=> int(0) ["shipping_taxes"]=> array(0) { } ["discount_total"]=> int(0) ["discount_tax"]=> int(0) ["cart_contents_total"]=> int(0) ["cart_contents_tax"]=> int(0) ["cart_contents_taxes"]=> array(0) { } ["fee_total"]=> int(0) ["fee_tax"]=> int(0) ["fee_taxes"]=> array(0) { } ["total"]=> int(0) ["total_tax"]=> int(0) } ["totals":protected]=> array(0) { } ["session":protected]=> object(WC_Cart_Session)#987 (1) { ["cart":protected]=> *RECURSION* } ["fees_api":protected]=> object(WC_Cart_Fees)#988 (3) { ["fees":"WC_Cart_Fees":private]=> array(0) { } ["cart":"WC_Cart_Fees":private]=> *RECURSION* ["default_fee_props":"WC_Cart_Fees":private]=> array(6) { ["id"]=> string(0) "" ["name"]=> string(0) "" ["tax_class"]=> string(0) "" ["taxable"]=> bool(false) ["amount"]=> int(0) ["total"]=> int(0) } } ["cart_session_data"]=> array(15) { ["cart_contents_total"]=> int(0) ["total"]=> int(0) ["subtotal"]=> int(0) ["subtotal_ex_tax"]=> int(0) ["tax_total"]=> int(0) ["taxes"]=> array(0) { } ["shipping_taxes"]=> array(0) { } ["discount_cart"]=> int(0) ["discount_cart_tax"]=> int(0) ["shipping_total"]=> int(0) ["shipping_tax_total"]=> int(0) ["coupon_discount_amounts"]=> array(0) { } ["coupon_discount_tax_amounts"]=> array(0) { } ["fee_total"]=> int(0) ["fees"]=> array(0) { } } ["coupon_applied_count"]=> array(0) { } }



$modified_url = $return_url.'&'.$url_extension.'&'.$lolo.'&'.$order_id.'&'.$order_billing_country.'&'.$order_payment_method.'&'.$product_name.'&'.$item_meta_data;

to this:

$modified_url = $return_url.'&'.$url_extension.'&'.$lolo.'&'.$order_id.'&'.$order_billing_country.'&'.$order_payment_method.'&'.$product_name.'&'.http_build_query($item_meta_data);

if that doesn't solve your problem, please share var_dump() of the variable $item_meta_data



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