

本文介绍了发送短信进行号码验证的最便宜方式?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

我的应用程序需要验证用户提供的电话号码.向手机发送短信最便宜的方式是什么?我应该去哪个公司/API?我不是在寻找一种黑客解决方案来每月发送 10 条短信,我需要为一家将发送大量验证的公司推出这个解决方案.但他们想以最低的成本做到这一点.(每个用户只需要验证一次)

My application needs to verify phone numbers that are provided by the user. What is the absolute cheapest way to send an SMS to a phone? Which company/API should I go to? I'm not looking for a hack solution to send out 10 SMS a month kind of thing, I need to roll this out for a company that will be sending mass amount of verifications. But they want to do it at the lowest cost. (Each user will only need to verify once)


Sorry forgot mention the SMS needs to be international


我建议使用 TextAnywhere:

I'd suggest using TextAnywhere:


他们为多种语言提供 API(C、Java、.Net、PHP 等),并根据发送的文本量提供多种费率和套餐.

They provide API's (C, Java, .Net, PHP etc) for several languages and provide a multitude of rates and packages depending on the volume of texts sent.

他们在付款方面也非常灵活 - 他们提供预付款、现收现付和固定的每月限额.

They're also very flexible with regards to payment - they do pre-pay, PAYG and fixed monthly limits.


我们将它们用于大型应用程序来发送警报通知消息,它​​们非常可靠.他们还为注册的慈善机构和学术机构提供 15% 的折扣.

We used them for a large-sized application to send alert notification messages and they were very reliable. They also give 15% discount for registered charities and academic institutions.



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