I have the following Excel spreadsheet:
A B C D E F 1 MFC2 MFC1 QFC Search Criteria: CW14 2 CW11 Column Name: MFC1 3 CW13 4 CW14 5 CW17 6 CW18 7 CW19 8 9在Cells A1:C8中,我有不同的日历周.他们都是唯一! 在Cell E2中,我希望根据Cell E1中的值显示column name. 在这种情况下,搜索条件为CW14,因此结果应为列名MFC1.
In Cells A1:C8 I have different calender weeks. All of them are unique! In Cell E2 I want that the column name is displayed based on the value that is put in Cell E1. In this case the search criteria is CW14 so the result should be column name MFC1.
I tried to modify the formula from this question but could not make it work:
E1 = INDEX($A$1:$C$1,MATCH(E$1,$A$2:$C$30,0))此公式给了我#NV结果. 我需要做些什么才能得到想要的结果?
This formula gives me #NV as result. What do I need to change to get the desried result?
Use AGGREGATE instead of MATCH: