Im learning LINQ and I want to find the cheapest product from the following list:
List<Product> products = new List<Product> { new Product {Name = "Kayak", Price = 275M, ID=1}, new Product {Name = "Lifejacket", Price = 48.95M, ID=2}, new Product {Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M, ID=3}, };我想出了以下几点,但是以某种方式,这似乎不是最好的方法:
I have come up with the following but somehow it feels like it is not the best way to do it:
var cheapest = products.Find(p => p.Price == products.Min(m => m.Price));您能告诉我实现此目标的正确方法吗?
can you show me the right way to achieve this.
public static TSource MinBy<TSource>( this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, IComparable> projectionToComparable ) { using (var e = source.GetEnumerator()) { if (!e.MoveNext()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Sequence is empty."); } TSource min = e.Current; IComparable minProjection = projectionToComparable(e.Current); while (e.MoveNext()) { IComparable currentProjection = projectionToComparable(e.Current); if (currentProjection.CompareTo(minProjection) < 0) { min = e.Current; minProjection = currentProjection; } } return min; } }只需将此作为方法添加到public static类(EnumerableExtensions?)中即可.
Just add this as a method in a public static class (EnumerableExtensions?).
var cheapest = products.MinBy(x => x.Price);