可能重复: 算法:对于G =(V,E),如何确定边集(属于E)是否是图的有效割集
图G =(V,E)的边缘的子集S,如何检查它是否是图的有效割集?注意:割是图的顶点划分为两个不相交的子集的部分.因此,切割的切割集是其端点位于分区的不同子集中的边的集合.我有兴趣找到解决此问题的算法
A subset S, of edges of a graph G = (V,E), how can one check whether it is a valid cut-set of the graph or not? Note: A cut is a partition of the vertices of a graph into two disjoint subsets. So, cut-set of the cut is the set of edges whose end points are in different subsets of the partition. I am interested to find an algorithm for this problem
推荐答案换句话说,您要确定是否存在标签V-> {0,1},以使S中的边具有带有不同标签的端点,并且E-S中的边具有带有相同标签的端点.这样的标签(如果存在)始终可以通过以下过程构造.
In other words, you want to determine whether there exists a labeling V -> {0, 1} such that edges in S have endpoints with different labels, and edges in E - S have endpoints with identical labels. Such a labeling, if it exists, always can be constructed by the following procedure.
Traverse G (say depth-first, but it doesn't really matter). Label traversal roots arbitrarily. Every time you process an edge e from a labeled node u to some other node v, label v with u's label if e not in S and the opposite of u's label if e in S. If v already has a different label, then S is not a cut-set. Otherwise, if the traversal finishes without incident, then S is a cut-set.