I want to load an edge-list into graph-tool. The vertex-indices in my list are not sequential, so I would like them to be automatically added as vertex_properties. As far as I understand this should be done with add_edge_list but I find that the vertex_property "name" is not created. On the other hand, load_graph_from_csv does work:
from graph_tool.all import * import numpy as np import pandas as pdedge_list = [[1,7,1],[7,4,5],[1,4,3]] G = Graph(directed=False) G.ep["length"] = G.new_edge_property("int") eprops = [G.ep["length"]] G.add_edge_list(edge_list, hashed=True, eprops=eprops) print(G.vp.keys()) print(G.ep.keys()) Out: [] ['length']
So you see there are no vertex_properties in G. From the graph-tool docs for add_edge_list:
(可选)如果hashed == True,则边缘列表中的顶点值为 不假定直接对应于顶点索引.在这种情况下 它们将根据其中的顺序映射到顶点索引 遇到它们,并带有顶点值的顶点属性映射 返回.
Optionally, if hashed == True, the vertex values in the edge list are not assumed to correspond to vertex indices directly. In this case they will be mapped to vertex indices according to the order in which they are encountered, and a vertex property map with the vertex values is returned.
Now I find that load_graph_from_csv is working as I expected:
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(edge_list, columns=['node_1', 'node_2', 'length']) df.to_csv('edge_list.csv', sep=',', index=False) G2 = load_graph_from_csv('edge_list.csv', skip_first=True, directed=False, hashed=True, eprop_names=['length']) print(G2.vp.keys()) print(G2.ep.keys()) print([G2.vp['name'][v] for v in G2.get_vertices()]) Out: ['name'] ['length'] ['1', '7', '4']有人能指出我正确的方向吗?
Could somebody point me in the right direction?
"...a vertex property map with the vertex values is returned."请注意,它说的是已返回",而不是已添加到内部属性映射列表中".
Note it says "returned", not "added to the internal property map list".
name = G.add_edge_list(edge_list, hashed=True, eprops=eprops)和name是您想要的属性映射.
and name is the property map you want.