姓氏(Mc,Mac,O,Van ......)的正式名称是什么? Tom
解决方案是的,有。它是姓氏的一部分,没有空格。 MCDONALD。 - Dean Covey www.coveyaccounting MS-Office认证: www.microsoft/learning /mc...st/default.asp " Tom Warren" < tw*@gate>在消息中写道 news:11 ********************** @ f14g2000cwb.googlegr oups ... 姓氏(Mc,Mac,O,Van ......)的正式名称是什么? Tom
" DC" < NOSPAM>写道:
是的,有。它是姓氏的一部分,没有空格。 MCDONALD。对于Mcs和Macs,你是对的。然而不是因为Van和von den的' 。带撇号的O是一个不确定的案例。 Tony - Tony Toews,Microsoft Access MVP 请仅在新闻组中回复,以便其他人可以阅读整个消息主题。 Microsoft Access Links,Hints,Tips&会计系统 www.granite.ab.ca /accsmstr.htm
Tom Warren写道:是否有正式名称(Mc,Mac,O,Van) ...)姓氏的一部分? Tom
Is there a formal name for the (Mc,Mac,O,Van...) part of a last name? Tom
解决方案 Yes, there is. It is part of the last name and there are not spaces. MCDONALD. -- Dean Covey www.coveyaccounting MS-Office Certified: www.microsoft/learning/mc...st/default.asp "Tom Warren" <tw*@gate> wrote in message news:11**********************@f14g2000cwb.googlegr oups... Is there a formal name for the (Mc,Mac,O,Van...) part of a last name? Tom"DC" <nospam> wrote: Yes, there is. It is part of the last name and there are not spaces.MCDONALD.In the case of Mcs and Macs you are correct. However not for the Van and von den''s of seen. O with the apostrophe is an iffy case. Tony -- Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can read the entire thread of messages. Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at www.granite.ab.ca/accsmstr.htm
Tom Warren wrote: Is there a formal name for the (Mc,Mac,O,Van...) part of a last name? Tom"Drunk"?