如何从一个SaveFileDialog的完整路径字符串? SaveFileDialog.FileName 只给我带扩展名的文件名。我已经看着 SaveFileDialog 在 MSDN ,但我看不出有什么属性确实是
How to get the full path string from a SaveFileDialog? SaveFileDialog.FileName only gives me the filename with extension. I have looked into SaveFileDialog on MSDN, but I don't see any property does that.
我需要返回C:\Folder1\subFolder2\File004.sdf不只是File004 .SF
I need to return "C:\Folder1\subFolder2\File004.sdf" not just "File004.sf"
"Gets or sets a string containing the full path of the file selected in a file dialog." is what the MSDN article you linked says for FileName property. Plus, FileName has always given me the full file path.