我发现 #include../ app / thing.h非常难看,我希望能够从我项目的主根导入,比如这个:
I find #include "../app/thing.h" very ugly and I would like to be able to import from the main root of my project, like this:
#include< project / app / submodule / thing.h>
(I know <> is generally used for external but I find it very cleaner)
How can I do that, from anywhere in my project?
You simply need to ensure that your build process sets an option to specify the starting point of the search.
For example, if your header is in:
/work/username/src/project/app/submodule/thing.h然后你需要包括(假设符合POSIX的编译器; AFAICR,甚至MSVC使用 / I 作为 -I 的类似物:
then you need to include (assuming a POSIX-compliant compiler; AFAICR, even MSVC uses /I as the analogue of -I):
-I/work/username/src作为编译器选项之一。您可以从项目的任何位置使用该路径,因为它是绝对的。你只需要一个定义的方式让你的构建系统知道设置应该是什么,所以当它被移动到 / home / someone / src / 时,你只有一个设置改变。
as one of the compiler options. You can use that path from anywhere in your project since it is absolute. You just need a defined way for your build system to know what the setting should be, so that when it is moved to /home/someone/src/, you have only one setting to change.