I am writing an extension and using "world": "MAIN" in the manifest for my content script, and I want to be able to modify a variable in the source code before the page accesses it.
My specific use case: The source page contains an inline script:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.gameData = {…}
where window.gameData is
I want to change the array at: window.gameData.today.answers before the page reads it.
Using Chrome DevTools, I located the spot in the page's script where the value is read, but I don't know how to determine when this occurs, and how to get in earlier than that. Here is where the value is read:
65489: function (e, t, n) {
n.d(t, {
$g: function () { return s.$g },
Be: function () { return _.B }
var r = n(74395)
, o = n(22042);
if ((0, p.Z)(), o.G7)
f.win.dataLayer = [];
else {
const e = (0, i.pg)();
e || ((0, i.He)()),
f.win.addEventListener("load", (() => {
(0, u.IX)()
const x = () => f.win.gameData