I have followed the below procedure.
I have created public key and private key.. Pushed public key in UNIX Lower environment server say eg. QA. I am able to connect it..
The same process i am trying for Higher environment like UAT and unless QA environment it does not ask password and it will prompt for PASSCODE. (pushed public key in Bastion and UAT server both)
The process which i am trying is copy one file from my local to UNIX UAT server.
Any other way how to automate this process or is it not automatable through code.. I am trying NodeJs+ Typescript.
static async connectBastionServer(fileName:string) {
// Configuration for connecting to the Bastion server
const username=process.env.username;
const privateKeyPath = 'C:\\Users\\'+username+'\\.ssh\\id_rsa';
const bastionConfig = {
host: 'XX.XXX.XXX.XX', // Bastion server's hostname or IP
port: 22, // SSH port for Bastion server (default is 22)
username: 'username', // Username for Bastion server login
privateKey: fs.readFileSync(privateKeyPath), // Private key for Bastion authentication
// Configuration for connecting to the UAT server (via the bastion)
const uatConfig = {
host: 'XX.XXX.XXX.XX', // UAT server's hostname or IP
port: 22, // SSH port for UAT server (default is 22)
username: 'username', // Username for UAT server login
privateKey: fs.readFileSync(privateKeyPath), // Private key for UAT authentication
// Local file path to upload
const cwd = process.cwd();
const localFilePath =path.join(cwd, fileName);;
// Remote file path where the file will be uploaded on the UAT server
const remoteFilePath = 'remotePath...';
// Function to connect to the UAT server via the Bastion server and upload a file
const connectThroughBastion = async () => {
const bastionClient = new Client(); // Create an SSH client instance for the bastion server
// Wrap the entire logic in a Promise for better async handling
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
// Event: When the bastion client connects successfully
bastionClient.on('ready', () => {
console.log('Connected to Bastion server.');
// Establish a tunnel (forwarding) from the bastion to the UAT server
'', // Local address (dummy source, usually localhost)
0, // Source port (0 means the OS chooses an available ephemeral port)
uatConfig.host, // Destination: UAT server's hostname or IP
uatConfig.port, // Destination: UAT server's SSH port (default is 22)
async (err, stream) => {
if (err) {
bastionClient.end(); // End bastion connection on error
return reject(`Error establishing tunnel: ${err.message}`);
console.log('Tunnel to UAT server established.');
// Create an instance of the SFTP client
const sftp = new Client();
try {
// Connect to the UAT server using the forwarded stream
await sftp.connect({
sock: stream, // Use the tunnel stream created by forwardOut
username: uatConfig.username, // UAT server username
privateKey: uatConfig.privateKey, // UAT server private key
console.log('Connected to UAT server via tunnel.');
// Upload the local file to the UAT server
await sftp.put(localFilePath, remoteFilePath);
console.log(`File uploaded successfully to ${remoteFilePath} on UAT server.`);
// End the SFTP connection
await sftp.end();
// End the bastion connection
// Resolve the promise, indicating success
} catch (error) {
// Handle any SFTP or upload errors
sftp.end(); // Ensure the SFTP connection is closed
bastionClient.end(); // Close the bastion connection
reject(`SFTP error: ${error.message}`);
// Event: If the bastion connection encounters an error
bastionClient.on('error', (err) => {
reject(`SSH error: ${err.message}`);
// Start the connection to the Bastion server
// Execute the function
.then(() => console.log('File transfer completed successfully.')) // Success message
.catch((err) => console.error('Error:', err)); // Error handling