
Keycloak with Terraform - config parameter of keycloak_authentication_execution_config doesn't worl - Stack Overflow


I am using keycloak v. 22.01 and terraform provider mrparkers/keycloak 4.3.1

So my problem is: I want to create a authentication flow in keycloak to check if a user belongs to the role 'user' and if so, send them via mail an OTP. For that I created a subflow with a condition - user role (set in GUI the role to 'user') and afterwards the Email OTP.

Flow in GUI

That works fine so far. Next I want to do the same thing, but with terraform. Also that works fine, but the condition user role don't get the role 'user' assigned.

The field that is not filled

I got the following terraform code

resource "keycloak_authentication_subflow" "sub_otp_flow" {
  realm_id          = var.MY_REALM_ID
  alias             = "sub-otp-flow"
  parent_flow_alias = keycloak_authentication_flow.email_otp_flow.alias
  provider_id       = "basic-flow"
  requirement       = "REQUIRED"
resource "keycloak_authentication_execution" "role_condition_otp" {
  realm_id          = var.MYL_REALM_ID
  parent_flow_alias = keycloak_authentication_subflow.sub_otp_flow.alias
  authenticator     = "conditional-user-role"
  requirement       = "REQUIRED"
resource "keycloak_authentication_execution_config" "role_condition_otp_config" {
  realm_id     = var.MY_REALM_ID
  execution_id = keycloak_authentication_execution.role_condition_otp.id
  alias        = "role_condition_otp"
  config = {
    roles = "my_client.my_rolename"
resource "keycloak_authentication_execution" "email_otp" {
  realm_id          = var.MY_REALM
  parent_flow_alias = keycloak_authentication_subflow.sub_otp_flow.alias
  authenticator     = "ext-email-otp"
  requirement       = "REQUIRED"

  depends_on = [


I searched a lot in internet, docs, chatGPT, claude but couldn't find the mistake. I already tried in Condition conf:

config = {
    "roles" = "my_client.my_rolename"

and to refrence terraform resources as well. I do got the feeling that the "config" parameter is somehow wrong, but I don't find the proper syntax.

I expected to have in authentication section -> flows -> email otp flow the demanded resources and in the conditional config an assigned user like this:

expected result

Actual result:

Hope someone knows some hints for me.

Thanks in advance!




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