
python - AttributeError: 'CLIPImageProcessor' object has no attribute 'patch_size' when loading


I have fine-tuned a LLaVA (Large Language and Vision Assistant) model on Google Colab and saved it to my Google Drive. Here’s how I saved the model:

from google.colab import drive  
drive.mount('/content/drive', force_remount=True)  
import os  

save_path = "/content/drive/MyDrive/fineTune model1/LLaVA-med-MAKAUT_v1"  
os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True)  


After saving, my Google Drive folder contains the following files:

  • README.md

  • adapter_model.safetensors

  • adapter_config.json

  • tokenizer_config.json

  • special_tokens_map.json

  • added_tokens.json

  • tokenizer.model

  • tokenizer.json

  • preprocessor_config.json

  • config.json

However, when I try to load the model for testing, I get an AttributeError related to patch_size:

import torch  
from PIL import Image  
from transformers import LlavaProcessor, LlavaForConditionalGeneration, CLIPImageProcessor  

model_path = "/content/drive/MyDrive/fineTune model/LLaVA-med-MAKAUT_v1"  
processor1 = LlavaProcessor.from_pretrained(model_path)

Checking patch size from the model's vision_config

patch_size = new_model_v1.config.vision_config.patch_size  
print("Patch size:", patch_size) 


Patch size: 14  

Error Occurs Here :


Error Message:

AttributeError: 'CLIPImageProcessor' object has no attribute 'patch_size'

What I Have Tried:

  • Ensuring that the model is properly saved and loaded.

  • Confirming that the patch size is present in the model's vision configuration (patch_size: 14).

  • Attempting to manually set patch_size:

    processor1.image_processor.patch_size = 14  

However, this doesn't seem to be the right approach since CLIPImageProcessor doesn’t have this attribute.


  1. Why does CLIPImageProcessor lack the patch_size attribute even though it is defined in the model’s vision_config?
  2. What is the correct way to ensure that the LLaVA processor aligns with the fine-tuned model’s configuration, especially concerning patch_size?
  3. Is there a recommended way to properly load and utilize the fine-tuned LLaVA model along with its processor for inference in Colab?




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