
reactjs - Programmatically set focus to and insert text into a specific Lexical JS instance in React (JSX) via clicking an eleme


I'm working on a React project that has a pair of Lexical rich text editors on the page. I'm trying to achieve the following: My cursor is somewhere within one of the editors, then I click a button or link somewhere outside/independent of the editor on the page, and a text string is inserted in the editor where my cursor was.

The problem is that by clicking on the button outside the editor, the editor no longer has focus, so I get the "editor is not defined" error when trying to call editor.update().

Apologies for not being able to post more of the code per security rules, but has anyone ever tried/done something similar in concept?

Here is a paired down version of the code (can't post the actual code per work rules). Note the sections commented as "Attempt :" were never all there in combination - just showing some variations I've tried unsuccessfully.

function createEditorInstance(myEditorID, initialValue) {
  const theEditorRef = useRef();

  doInsertText = (someText, someEditorID) => {

    /*-- Attempt 1 (this line doesn't error, but focus remains on button; "editor" remains undefined): --*/

    /*-- Attempt 2 (this line doesn't error, but focus remains on button; "editor" remains undefined): --*/

    /*-- Attempt 3 (this line doesn't error, and focus seems to go to editor (typing inserts chars where cursor was), but "editor" still stays undefined): --*/

    /*-- Attempt 4 (this line doesn't error, but focus remains on button; "editor" remains undefined): --*/
    /*-- Attempt 5 (this is just a concept, is essentially what I'm asking for): --*/

    /*-- Can't do this in combo with any of above or by itself, because it results in an "invalid hook" since this isn't a function component. --*/
    // editor = useLexicalComposerContext();
    /*-- Update the editor (results in "editor is undefined" error, because the editor doesn't have focus after clicking the buttton outside the editor): --*/
    editor.update(() => {
      const textNode = $createTextNode(someText);
      const selection = $getSelection();
      if (selection) {

  return (
        toolbar={{ toolList: myToolList }}
      <button onClick={() => {doInsertText('Some text string', myEditorID)}}>Insert Some Text</button>

I also looked at forwardRef, but my understanding from docs is that it's deprecated in favor of custom refs (hence the attempted "theEditorRef").




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