I have a very straight forward OpenFileDialog box that is triggered from an event associated with the click event on a button on a WPF form.
When I run this simple form in debug mode...
<Button Name="btn_rss_AddImage" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Click="GetImageAttachment" Margin="20, 0">Choose Image</Button>
private void GetImageAttachment(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
OpenFileDialog dlg = new();
dlg.DefaultExt = ".xml";
if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true)
string filename = dlg.FileName;
..I notice 100's of errors in the output window. The OpenFileDialog is very lagy while these hundreds of exceptions are being generated (the errors shown below keep repeating).
(Edited to show example errors occurring in output window)
(Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Norton\Suite\ashShell.dll'.
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFE2E9EB699 in WPF_ShipDataBase.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: asw::registry::exceptions::key_not_exists at memory location 0x0000008323D7A380. Exception thrown at 0x00007FFE2E9EB699 in
WPF_ShipDataBase.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: asw::storage::exit_callback_not_found_exception at memory location 0x0000008323D7C040.
I noticed that these errors start occurring after the ashShell.dll is loaded.
I get no errors and the OpenFileDialog box works correctly when I start the project without debugging.
I assume the issue is related to debugging settings, but unsure what to look at. All symbols are being loaded (if that is relevant).
Anyone got any ideas on what this could be?