
Cucumber: Can't convert DataTable to List<java.lang.String>. Can anyone tell me how to solve this? - Stack

Scenario: IF a component is already existing in the database THEN the SW shall inform the user

    #SRS-4 Notify user about an existing component
    Given The database contains the following files
      | refId          | Name                |
      | symbollibrary  | Symbol_Library      |
      | font           | FONT                |
    And The database does not contains the following files
      | RefID           | Name              |
      | sensorvideoclut | Sensor_Video_CLUT |
      | nomapoffmap     | NoMap_OffMap      |
      | rastermap       | Raster_Map        |
    When the user attempt to create a new "DMG Load"
    And select the following components for inclusion
      | Name              |
      | Symbol_Library    |
      | FONT              |
      | Sensor_Video_CLUT |
      | NoMap_OffMap      |
      | Raster_Map        |
    Then the system should check for duplicate components in the database
    And identify that the following components already exist
      | Component            | Status          |
      | Symbol library       | Duplicate found |
      | Font                 | Duplicate found |
    And display a notification to the user
            The following components already exist in the database
                   - Symbol_library
                   - Font


  • There was a table cell transformer for java.lang.String but the table was too wide to use it. Please reduce the table width to use this converter.

  • There was no table entry or table row transformer registered for java.lang.String. Please consider registering a table entry or row transformer.

  • There was no default table entry transformer registered to transform java.lang.String. Please consider registering a default table entry transformer.




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