SDSLite package version 3.0.1
I hope to use the data I calculated as variables in the nc file, so I first need to create a Dimension structure, but when I create it, the definition of Dimension in the package is
namespace Microsoft.Research.Science.Data;
public struct Dimension
internal Dimension(string name, int length)
{ = name;
this.length = length;
public string Name
return name;
internal set
name = value;
public int Length
return length;
internal set
length = value;
The set and constructor access types are internal, so I cannot create a Dimension structure or operate on the data in the Dimension.
I think there should be other ways to operate nc files, but I have looked for some classes related to nc files under Microsoft.Research.Science.Data
, but I haven't found a good way.
I hope someone familiar with the sdslite package or familiar with building NetCDF files can tell me if there is a better way to store C# data in nc files. I hope to store a List<List<List<List<double>>>> ESlist = new ();
data, the first layer list is latitude, the second layer is longitude, and the third and fourth layers are stored as a double[,,]
variable in NetCDF.