I am having an issue where the patch
method from the unittest.mock
module is only working when I patch attributes of imported modules in other files. I do not understand if this is an issue of my import patterns or a misunderstanding of how patching works. (I am importing the app code before the patch is able to run).
I devised a test to show how the functionality is confusing me:
In my app code I have the following code
from datetime import date
import boto3
from common.functions import asodates2datetime
from core.mixins.usecases import ASOUsecaseTools
class foo:
def bar(self, relevant_date):
client = boto3.client("s3")
today = date.today()
date = asodates2datetime(relevant_date)
And from my test code I can patch in the following way:
def test_foo_gets_bar(self, m_d, m_g, m_a, m_c):
m_d.today.return_value = <date>
m_d.side_effect = lambda *args, **kw: date(*args, **kw)
# more patching of functions here
However, when the test is run, If I set a breakpoint in the bar
function and check the value of the patched items, only the patched methods show up as MagicMock
>>> boto3.client
<MagicMock name='client...>
>>> ASOUsecaseTools.get_by_name
<MagicMock name='get_by_name...>
>>> asodates2datetime
<function asodates2datetime...>
>>> date
<class 'datetime.date'>
The thing that confuses me is that I am patching along with how the docs say to patch: .mock-examples.html#partial-mocking
Also the fact that patched methods work but classes and functions don't indicates that the import structure is not a problem because the imported methods would be overwritten in the same way as the imported classes. It also indicates that the import paths are not incorrect; as the only difference between the patches is the type of object they are patching.
My current workaround is using the freeze package to freeze the date, but I prefer using builtin packages if possible.