
error handling - I have an AMPl model, like an infeasible or unbounded problem. Set dualreductions=0 or iis=1 for definitive ans

# SETS set B;  # Candidate central kitchens set S;  # Schools set C;  # Categories class set K;  # Set of commodities set N;  # Set of nutrients set Y;  # Set of groups set G {Y} within K;  # Set of food groups  # PARAMETERS param daily_budget; param fixed_cost {B};  # Fixed cost for each central kitchen param capacity {B};  # Capacity of each central kitchen param demand {S};  # Demand per school per time period param trans_cost;  # Distribution cost from central kitchen to schools per kilometer param handling_cost;  # Handling cost for each central kitchen param nutrient_value {K, N};  # Nutritional value of each commodity per nutrient type param nutrient_requirement {N, C};  # Nutritional requirement per nutrient and time period param cost_commodity {K};  # Cost per commodity param distance{S, B}; # jarak antar sekolah ke central kitchen dalam kilometer param processing_cost {Y}; # Biaya pemrosesan makanan di setiap central kitchen tiap group  # VARIABLES var y {B} binary;  # 1 if central kitchen is built at location, 0 otherwise var z {S, B} binary;  # 1 if school s is served by central kitchen b var x {S, B} >= 0 integer;  # Quantity of food delivered to school s from central kitchen b var unfulfilled_demand {S} >= 0;  # Permintaan yang tidak terpenuhi di setiap sekolah var ratio_commodity {K} >= 0;  # Ratio of commodities  var shortfall {N} >= 0; var overshoot {N} >= 0; #var shortfall_indicator {N} binary; # OBJECTIVE FUNCTION # 1. Minimize total cost minimize total_cost:     sum {b in B} fixed_cost[b] * y[b] +                         # Biaya tetap membuka central kitchen     sum {b in B, s in S} trans_cost * distance[s, b] * x[s, b] + # Biaya distribusi makanan     sum {b in B, s in S} handling_cost * x[s, b] +           # Biaya penanganan saat delivery     sum {k in K} cost_commodity[k] * ratio_commodity[k] * sum {s in S, b in B} x[s, b]; # Biaya bahan makanan # CONSTRAINTS # 1. Capacity constraint s.t. Capacity_Constraint {b in B}:     sum {s in S} x[s, b] <= capacity[b] * y[b];  # 2. Demand fulfillment s.t. Demand_Fulfillment {s in S}:     sum {b in B} x[s, b] + unfulfilled_demand[s] = demand[s];  # 3. Binary connection s.t. Binary_Connection {s in S, b in B}:     x[s, b] <= demand[s] * z[s, b];  # 4. Serve only if open s.t. Serve_Only_If_Open {s in S, b in B}:     z[s, b] <= y[b]; # Minimum delivery constraint #s.t. Min_Delivery {s in S, b in B}: #    x[s, b] >= 0; s.t. Min_Distribution {s in S}:     sum {b in B} x[s, b] >= demand[s] * 0.7;  # Setidaknya 70% permintaan dipenuhi  # 5. Nutrient optimization constraint s.t. Food_Basket_Optimize {n in N, c in C}:     sum {k in K} nutrient_value[k, n] * ratio_commodity[k] * sum {s in S, b in B} x[s, b]      >= nutrient_requirement[n, c];        # 6. Supplied nutrient constraint s.t. Supplied_Nutrient {n in N, c in C}:     sum {k in K} nutrient_value[k, n] * ratio_commodity[k] * sum {s in S, b in B} x[s, b]      = nutrient_requirement[n, c] * (1 - shortfall[n] + overshoot[n]);  # 7. Unique service constraint s.t. Unique_Service {s in S}:     sum {b in B} z[s, b] = 1;  # 8. Min one service per central kitchen s.t. Min_One_Service_Per_CK {b in B}:     y[b] <= sum {s in S} z[s, b];  # Budget constraint s.t. Budget_Constraint:     sum {b in B} fixed_cost[b] * y[b] +     sum {b in B, s in S} trans_cost * distance[s, b] * x[s, b] +     sum {b in B, s in S} handling_cost * x[s, b] +     sum {k in K} cost_commodity[k] * ratio_commodity[k] * sum {s in S, b in B} x[s, b]      <= daily_budget;  s.t. Ratio_Group1 : # Makanan pokok (33%)     sum {k in G[1]} ratio_commodity[k] = 0.33 * sum {k in K} ratio_commodity[k];    s.t. Ratio_Group2 : # Lauk pauk (17%)     sum {k in G[2]} ratio_commodity[k] = 0.17 * sum {k in K} ratio_commodity[k];    s.t. Ratio_Group3 : # Sayuran (33%)     sum {k in G[3]} ratio_commodity[k] = 0.33 * sum {k in K} ratio_commodity[k];    s.t. Ratio_Group4 : # Buah (17%)     sum {k in G[4]} ratio_commodity[k] = 0.17 * sum {k in K} ratio_commodity[k];   # SETS set B := FB1 FB2 FB3 FB4 FB5;                   # Candidate central kitchens set S := SD01 SD02 SD03 SD04 SD05 SD06 SD07 SD08 SD09 SD10 SD11 SD12 SD13 SD14 SD15 SD16 SD17 SD18 SD19 SD20 SD21         SDITPJHI SDITDARUN SDITNAMALIYAH SDITNILMI SMP13 SMP19 SMP23 SMP8 SMPDARUN SMPITALAZHAR         SMPPJHI SMA7 SMAITALAZHAR SMK5 SMKSADZKIYA SMKSDUTAB;  # Schools set C := SD SMP SMA;                              # Time periods (misalnya 5 periode waktu) set K := Apple, Bananna, Beef, BeefLiver, Carrot, Cassava, CassavaLeaf, Chicken,              ChickenEgg, ChickenLiver, CoconutMilk, Corn, DuckEgg, FrenchBean, FreshMilk,             KidneyBean, LongBean, Manggo, Melon, MilkFish, Mungbean, Mushrooms,             Orange, Papaya, Pineapple, Potato, QuailEgg, Rambutan, Rice, Shrimp, SnakeFruit, Spinach,               Tomato, Watercress, WaterMelon, WaterSpinach, Yam, KembungFish, PatinFish, LeleFish, GabusFish, TongkolFish, TunaFish, TeriFish, Cauliflower, DragonFruit, Pears, SiamesePumpkin, Broccoli; set N := Water, Energy, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, Fibre, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, VitA, VitB1, VitB2,    VitB3, VitB6, VitB12, VitC, VitD, Folate; set Y := 1, 2, 3, 4; set G [1] := Cassava, Potato, Rice, Yam; #merah - makanan pokok set G [2] := Beef, BeefLiver, Chicken, ChickenEgg, ChickenLiver, DuckEgg, FreshMilk, MilkFish,           QuailEgg, Shrimp, KembungFish, PatinFish, LeleFish, GabusFish, TongkolFish, TunaFish, TeriFish; #biru - lauk pauk set G [3] :=  Carrot, CassavaLeaf, CoconutMilk, Corn, FrenchBean, KidneyBean, LongBean, Mungbean, Mushrooms,              Spinach, Tomato, Watercress, WaterSpinach, Cauliflower, SiamesePumpkin, Broccoli; #kuning - sayuran dan buah - buahan set G [4] := Apple, Bananna, Manggo, Melon, Orange, Papaya, Pineapple, Rambutan, SnakeFruit, DragonFruit, Pears, WaterMelon;  # PARAMETERS param daily_budget := 5000000000; param fixed_cost :=      FB1 125000      FB2 125000      FB3 70000      FB4 200000      FB5 50000;  param capacity :=     FB1 3000     FB2 2000     FB3 3000     FB4 2500     FB5 1000;                            param demand :=     SD01        581     SD02        524     SD03        386     SD04        195     SD05        851     SD06        720     SD07        164     SD08        78     SD09         126     SD10        390     SD11        530     SD12        998     SD13        320     SD14        56     SD15         418     SD16        101     SD17        285     SD18        280     SD19        350      SD20           361     SD21        343     SDITPJHI    257   SDITDARUN     79    SDITNAMALIYAH 87    SDITNILMI     307       SMP13         635       SMP19         727       SMP23         615   SMP8          1215      SMPDARUN      73    SMPITALAZHAR  210       SMPPJHI       80    SMA7          1055      SMAITALAZHAR  23    SMK5          1272      SMKSADZKIYA   434       SMKSDUTAB     210;                        # Demand per school per time period  param distance :            FB1  FB2  FB3  FB4  FB5 :=   SD01                    5.4  0.95  3.6  9.5  13     SD02                    8.8  4.9   0.2  5.8  9.4    SD03                    11   6.9   2.19 3.8  7.4    SD04                    15   12    6.8  0.91 3.4    SD05                    0.74 3.1   7.8  14   17     SD06                    3.5  0.81  5.7  12   15     SD07                    14   9.7   4.7  1.2  4.9     SD08                       18   14    9.6   3.7 0.02   SD09                    15   12    6.5  0.69 3.3    SD10                    4.4  0.95  4.5  10   14     SD11                    6.2  2.12  3.5  9.4  13     SD12                    0.61 4.3   9    15   19     SD13                    4.8  0.85  4.5  10   14     SD14                    21   17    13   6.8  3.17   SD15                    6.9  3     1.91 7.9  12     SD16                    17   13    7.9  1.9  4.5    SD17                    12   7.8   3.1  2.85 6.5    SD18                    9.9  6.1   1.39 5.2  8.8    SD19                    6.2  2.3   3.7  9.6  13     SD20                    5.1  1.41  4.8  11   14     SD21                    6.9  4.20  8.8  15   18     SDITPJHI                1.63 3.9   8.6  15   18     SDITDARUN               15   11    6.3  1.1  4.8    SDITNAMALIYAH           0.74 4.5   9.26 15.16 18.82     SDITNILMI               0.86 3.5   8.2  14   18     SMP13                   13   8.7   4    2.5  6.2     SMP19                      9.7  5.7   1.1  5.4  9.1     SMP23                      3.6  3.5   8.1  14   18     SMP8                    4.0  0.25  4.9  11   15     SMPDARUN                15   11    6.3  1.1  4.8     SMPITALAZHAR               13   9.1   4.4  1.5  5.2     SMPPJHI                    1.63 3.9   8.6  15   18     SMA7                    7.6  3.7   1.8  7.8  11     SMAITALAZHAR            2.9  5.0   9.7  15.9 19.4     SMK5                      10   6.3   1.6  7.1  11     SMKSADZKIYA             7.8  3.8   2.1  8.1  12     SMKSDUTAB               15   11    6    0.85 4.5;  param trans_cost:= 1500; param handling_cost := 5000; param processing_cost :=   G1  500     G2  700     G3  400     G4  200;     param nutrient_value :             Water   Energy  Protein Fat     Carbohydrate    Fibre   Calcium Iron    Zinc    VitA        VitB1   VitB2   VitB3   VitB6   VitB12  VitC    VitD    Folate:=                    Apple           84.1    68      0.3     0.4     14.9            2       6       0.3     0.02    4.79        0.04    0.01    0.1     0.041   0       5       0       5.46                    Bananna         72.9    112     1       0.8     24.3            1.9     20      0.2     0.2     6.08        0.05    0.11    0.1     0.367   0       9       0       23                  Beef            66      201     18.8    14      0               0       11      2.8     3.64    167.5       0.08    0.21    6.5     0.44    3.05    0       0       4.9                     BeefLiver       69.7    132     19.7    3.2     6               0       7       6.6     4       14153.5     0.26    0.96    5.4     1.08    59.3    31      1       290                     Carrot          89.9    43      1       0.6     7.9             1       45      1       0.2     477.96      0.04    0.04    1       0.138   0       18      0       19                  Cassava         61.4    156     1       0.3     36.8            0.9     77      1.1     0.1     0           0.06    0.12    0.5     0.088   0       31      0       27                  CassavaLeaf     84.4    68      6.2     1.1     7.1             2.4     166     1.3     2.6     455.58      0.04    0.1     1.8     0.34    0       103     0       0                   Chicken         55.9    298     18.2    25      0               0       14      1.5     1.5     246.625     0.08    0.16    8.1     0.35    0.31    0       0       4                   ChickenEgg      74.3    150     12.4    10.8    0.7             0       86      3       1.1     66.29       0.12    0.38    0.2     0.143   1.29    0       1       143                         ChickenLiver    53.4    261     27.4    16.1    1.6             0       118     15.8    0.5     6127.667    0.64    2.94    4.11    0.853   16.58   0       0       588                     CoconutMilk     54.9    348     4.2     34.3    5.6             0       14      1.9     1.1     0           0.02    0       0.4     0.05    0       2       0       0                       Corn            70.3    131     3.3     1.3     25.1            2.8     2       0.6     0.5     0           0.2     0.1     1.6     0.1     0       6       0       42                  DuckEgg         67.7    187     10.9    12.4    7.9             0       64      5.4     1.8     197.1       1.62    0.03    0.1     0.25    5.4     0       5       80                  FrenchBean      89.6    45      2.4     0.3     7.2             1.9     101     0.7     0.4     81          0.05    0.4     2.8     0.06    0       11      0       399                     FreshMilk       88.1    67      3.2     3.9     4.8             0       115     0.1     0.4     55          0       0.2     0.1     0.1     0.4     1       0       8                   KidneyBean      57.2    180     11      2.2     28              2.1     293     3.7     2.9     0.42        0.15    0.34    2.3     0.32    0       0       0       130                         LongBean        12.2    364     17.3    1.5     68.6            3.2     163     6.9     0.4     12          0.57    0.21    8.4     0.06    0       2       0       62                      Manggo          87.4    55      0.7     0.2     11.2            2.7     13      0.2     0.1     723.33      0.08    0.02    0.5     0.134   0       30      0       43                  Melon           83.8    36      0.6     0.4     7.2             0.5     0       0       0       0           0       0       10      0       0       0.1     0       21                  MilkFish        45.3    296     17.1    20.3    11.3            0       1422    1.9     0       22.67       0.14    0       0       0       0       69.09   0       16                  Mungbean        15.5    347     22.9    1.5     56.8            7.5     223     7.5     2.7     16.17       0.46    0.15    1.5     0.1     0       10      0       625                     Mushrooms       93.7    41      3.8     0.6     0.9             8.2     3       1.7     0.1     0           0.1     0.14    0.2     0.1     0       5       2       17                  Orange          87.2    53      0.9     0.2     11.2            1.4     33      0.4     0.22    9.79        0.08    0.03    0.2     0.06    0       49      0       30                      Papaya          86.7    53      0.5     0.1     12.2            0.5     23      1.7     0.1     228         0.04    0.05    0.3     0.019   0       78      0       53.65                           Pineapple       88.9    46      0.6     0.3     9.9             0.6     22      0.9     0.1     4.58        0.02    0.05    0.2     0.11    0       22      0       18                  Potato          83.4    65      2.1     0.2     13.5            0.5     63      0.7     0.4     0           0.09    0.07    1.3     0.20    0       21      0       16.5                    QuailEgg        79.8    112     10.7    7       1.6             0       65      3.5     1.47    163.33      0.13    0.65    0.1     0.15    1.58    0       5       49                  Rambutan        80.5    79      0.9     0.1     18.1            1.1     16      0.5     0.1     0           0       0.06    0.4     0.1     0       58      0       8                   Rice            56.7    174     3       0.3     39.8            0       25      0.4     1.2     0           0.05    0.02    0.7     0.02    0       0       0       23                  Shrimp          75      86      21      0.2     0.1             0       136     8       1.3     18.33       0.01    0.39    3.6     0.1     1.19    0       3       3                   SnakeFruit      78      87      0.4     0.1     20.9            0.4     28      4.2     0       4           0.04    0.2     2.4     1       0       2       0       0                   Spinach         94.5    20      0.9     0.4     2.9             0.7     166     3.5     0.6     96          0.04    0.1     1       0.54    0       41      0       194                     Tomato          92.9    32      1.3     0.5     4.7             1.5     8       0.6     0.2     108.71      0.06    0.06    0.4     0.08    0       34      0       29                  Watercress      93.3    24      3.1     0.2     2.2             0.7     95      2.4     0.1     204         0.09    0.13    0.7     0.13    0       56      0       9                       WaterMelon      92.1    3.2     0.5     0.2     6.9             0.3     7       0.2     0.1     21.25       0.05    0.04    0.2     0.045   0       6       0       3                   WaterSpinach    91.0    40      3.4     0.7     3.9             2       67      2.3     0.5     345         0.07    0.36    2       0.10    0       17      0       57                  Yam             69.6    118     1.5     0.2     28              4.1     17      0.5     0.24    7           0.112   0.032   0.552   0.293   0       17.1    0       23                  KembungFish     73.5    111     19.04   0.9     4.8             0       68      7.3     0.6     0           0.03    0.2     7.3     0.05    12      0       16.1    1                   PatinFish       74.4    132     17      6.6     1.1             0       31      1.6     8       0           0.2     0.03    1.7     0.116   4.1     0       9       10                  LeleFish        80.36   95      16      2.82    0               0       14      0.25    0.25    70          0.21    0.072   1.907   0.116   4.1     0.7     12.5    10                  GabusFish       79.6    80      16.2    0.5     2.6             0       170     0.1     0.4     335         0.4     0.2     0.1     0       4.1     0       4.6     10                  TongkolFish     74.4    100     13.7    1.5     8               0       92      1.7     1.6     181         0.35    0.03    6.6     0.12    12      0       0       5.18                    TunaFish        62.3    132     28.2    1.29    0               0       37      1.6     1.05    18          0.24    0.25    8.65    1       0       0       82      5.18                    TeriFish        73.37   131     29      10      0               0       232     4.63    2.44    12          0.055   0.256   14.024  0.143   0.62    0       69      13                  Cauliflower     92.2    25      1.28    0.1     5.8             3.4     40      0.47    0.18    5           0.4     0.1     0.51    0.18    0       48.2    0       43                  DragonFruit     84      57      0.36    0.14    15.2            3.1     9       0.18    0.1     1           0.012   0.026   0.16    0.029   0       4.3     0       4.04                    Pears           84.1    63      0.38    0.16    15.1            3.1     8       0.17    0.07    1           0.012   0.026   0.16    0.029   0       4.3     0       4.04                    SiamesePumpkin  94.24   19      0.8     0.1     4.5             1.7     17      0.3     0.74    0           0.025   0.029   0.47    0.076   0       7.7     0       93                  Broccoli        89.3    34      2.82    0.37    6.64            2.6     47      0.73    0.41    31          0.071   0.12    0.64    0.18    0       89.2    0       65;  param nutrient_requirement :                SD     SMP     SMA:=                                       Water           1850    2100    2300                            Energy          2000    2400    2650                            Protein         55      70      75                          Fat             65      80      85                          Carbohydrate    300     350     400                             Fibre           28      34      70                          Calcium         1200    1200    1200                            Iron            8       11      11                          Zinc            8       11      11                          VitA            600     600     700                             VitB1           1.1     1.2     1.2                             VitB2           1.3     1.3     1.3                             VitB3           12      16      16                             VitB6           1.3     1.3      1.3                             VitB12          3.5     4.0     4.0                             VitC            50      75      90                          VitD            15      15      15                          Folate          400     400     400;                             param cost_commodity :=                    Apple           4000                            Bananna         1000                Beef            15000               BeefLiver       10000               Carrot          3000                Cassava         2000                CassavaLeaf     1500                Chicken         7000                ChickenEgg      2000                ChickenLiver    5000                CoconutMilk     3000                Corn            8000                DuckEgg         3000                FrenchBean      5000                FreshMilk       10000               KidneyBean      5000                LongBean        3000                Manggo          3500                Melon           1500                MilkFish        5000                Mungbean        4000                Mushrooms       5000                Orange          7000                Papaya          3000                Pineapple       2000                Potato          3500                QuailEgg        5000                Rambutan        5000                Rice            1200                Shrimp          10000               SnakeFruit      2000                Spinach         4000                Tomato          1000                Watercress      8000                WaterMelon      1500                WaterSpinach    1000                Yam             1200                KembungFish     3500                PatinFish       3000                LeleFish        3000                GabusFish       6000                TongkolFish     3000                TunaFish        5000                TeriFish        2000                    Cauliflower     1500                DragonFruit     2000                    Pears           2500                    SiamesePumpkin  600                 Broccoli        3000;                                                   

# Reset and load files


# Load the model and data files

model budget.mod;

data budget.dat;

# Set solver

option solver gurobi;

# Solve the problem


# Option to omit zero rows in output

option omit_zero_rows 1;

# Display key decision variables

display y, z, x, unfulfilled_demand, ratio_commodity;Gurobi 12.0.0: Gurobi 12.0.0: infeasible or unbounded problem. Set dualreductions=0 or iis=1 for definitive answer.

0 simplex iterations

suffix unbdd OUT;

suffix dunbdd OUT;

y [*] :=


: z x :=


: unfulfilled_demand ratio_commodity :=


# SETS set B;  # Candidate central kitchens set S;  # Schools set C;  # Categories class set K;  # Set of commodities set N;  # Set of nutrients set Y;  # Set of groups set G {Y} within K;  # Set of food groups  # PARAMETERS param daily_budget; param fixed_cost {B};  # Fixed cost for each central kitchen param capacity {B};  # Capacity of each central kitchen param demand {S};  # Demand per school per time period param trans_cost;  # Distribution cost from central kitchen to schools per kilometer param handling_cost;  # Handling cost for each central kitchen param nutrient_value {K, N};  # Nutritional value of each commodity per nutrient type param nutrient_requirement {N, C};  # Nutritional requirement per nutrient and time period param cost_commodity {K};  # Cost per commodity param distance{S, B}; # jarak antar sekolah ke central kitchen dalam kilometer param processing_cost {Y}; # Biaya pemrosesan makanan di setiap central kitchen tiap group  # VARIABLES var y {B} binary;  # 1 if central kitchen is built at location, 0 otherwise var z {S, B} binary;  # 1 if school s is served by central kitchen b var x {S, B} >= 0 integer;  # Quantity of food delivered to school s from central kitchen b var unfulfilled_demand {S} >= 0;  # Permintaan yang tidak terpenuhi di setiap sekolah var ratio_commodity {K} >= 0;  # Ratio of commodities  var shortfall {N} >= 0; var overshoot {N} >= 0; #var shortfall_indicator {N} binary; # OBJECTIVE FUNCTION # 1. Minimize total cost minimize total_cost:     sum {b in B} fixed_cost[b] * y[b] +                         # Biaya tetap membuka central kitchen     sum {b in B, s in S} trans_cost * distance[s, b] * x[s, b] + # Biaya distribusi makanan     sum {b in B, s in S} handling_cost * x[s, b] +           # Biaya penanganan saat delivery     sum {k in K} cost_commodity[k] * ratio_commodity[k] * sum {s in S, b in B} x[s, b]; # Biaya bahan makanan # CONSTRAINTS # 1. Capacity constraint s.t. Capacity_Constraint {b in B}:     sum {s in S} x[s, b] <= capacity[b] * y[b];  # 2. Demand fulfillment s.t. Demand_Fulfillment {s in S}:     sum {b in B} x[s, b] + unfulfilled_demand[s] = demand[s];  # 3. Binary connection s.t. Binary_Connection {s in S, b in B}:     x[s, b] <= demand[s] * z[s, b];  # 4. Serve only if open s.t. Serve_Only_If_Open {s in S, b in B}:     z[s, b] <= y[b]; # Minimum delivery constraint #s.t. Min_Delivery {s in S, b in B}: #    x[s, b] >= 0; s.t. Min_Distribution {s in S}:     sum {b in B} x[s, b] >= demand[s] * 0.7;  # Setidaknya 70% permintaan dipenuhi  # 5. Nutrient optimization constraint s.t. Food_Basket_Optimize {n in N, c in C}:     sum {k in K} nutrient_value[k, n] * ratio_commodity[k] * sum {s in S, b in B} x[s, b]      >= nutrient_requirement[n, c];        # 6. Supplied nutrient constraint s.t. Supplied_Nutrient {n in N, c in C}:     sum {k in K} nutrient_value[k, n] * ratio_commodity[k] * sum {s in S, b in B} x[s, b]      = nutrient_requirement[n, c] * (1 - shortfall[n] + overshoot[n]);  # 7. Unique service constraint s.t. Unique_Service {s in S}:     sum {b in B} z[s, b] = 1;  # 8. Min one service per central kitchen s.t. Min_One_Service_Per_CK {b in B}:     y[b] <= sum {s in S} z[s, b];  # Budget constraint s.t. Budget_Constraint:     sum {b in B} fixed_cost[b] * y[b] +     sum {b in B, s in S} trans_cost * distance[s, b] * x[s, b] +     sum {b in B, s in S} handling_cost * x[s, b] +     sum {k in K} cost_commodity[k] * ratio_commodity[k] * sum {s in S, b in B} x[s, b]      <= daily_budget;  s.t. Ratio_Group1 : # Makanan pokok (33%)     sum {k in G[1]} ratio_commodity[k] = 0.33 * sum {k in K} ratio_commodity[k];    s.t. Ratio_Group2 : # Lauk pauk (17%)     sum {k in G[2]} ratio_commodity[k] = 0.17 * sum {k in K} ratio_commodity[k];    s.t. Ratio_Group3 : # Sayuran (33%)     sum {k in G[3]} ratio_commodity[k] = 0.33 * sum {k in K} ratio_commodity[k];    s.t. Ratio_Group4 : # Buah (17%)     sum {k in G[4]} ratio_commodity[k] = 0.17 * sum {k in K} ratio_commodity[k];   # SETS set B := FB1 FB2 FB3 FB4 FB5;                   # Candidate central kitchens set S := SD01 SD02 SD03 SD04 SD05 SD06 SD07 SD08 SD09 SD10 SD11 SD12 SD13 SD14 SD15 SD16 SD17 SD18 SD19 SD20 SD21         SDITPJHI SDITDARUN SDITNAMALIYAH SDITNILMI SMP13 SMP19 SMP23 SMP8 SMPDARUN SMPITALAZHAR         SMPPJHI SMA7 SMAITALAZHAR SMK5 SMKSADZKIYA SMKSDUTAB;  # Schools set C := SD SMP SMA;                              # Time periods (misalnya 5 periode waktu) set K := Apple, Bananna, Beef, BeefLiver, Carrot, Cassava, CassavaLeaf, Chicken,              ChickenEgg, ChickenLiver, CoconutMilk, Corn, DuckEgg, FrenchBean, FreshMilk,             KidneyBean, LongBean, Manggo, Melon, MilkFish, Mungbean, Mushrooms,             Orange, Papaya, Pineapple, Potato, QuailEgg, Rambutan, Rice, Shrimp, SnakeFruit, Spinach,               Tomato, Watercress, WaterMelon, WaterSpinach, Yam, KembungFish, PatinFish, LeleFish, GabusFish, TongkolFish, TunaFish, TeriFish, Cauliflower, DragonFruit, Pears, SiamesePumpkin, Broccoli; set N := Water, Energy, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrate, Fibre, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, VitA, VitB1, VitB2,    VitB3, VitB6, VitB12, VitC, VitD, Folate; set Y := 1, 2, 3, 4; set G [1] := Cassava, Potato, Rice, Yam; #merah - makanan pokok set G [2] := Beef, BeefLiver, Chicken, ChickenEgg, ChickenLiver, DuckEgg, FreshMilk, MilkFish,           QuailEgg, Shrimp, KembungFish, PatinFish, LeleFish, GabusFish, TongkolFish, TunaFish, TeriFish; #biru - lauk pauk set G [3] :=  Carrot, CassavaLeaf, CoconutMilk, Corn, FrenchBean, KidneyBean, LongBean, Mungbean, Mushrooms,              Spinach, Tomato, Watercress, WaterSpinach, Cauliflower, SiamesePumpkin, Broccoli; #kuning - sayuran dan buah - buahan set G [4] := Apple, Bananna, Manggo, Melon, Orange, Papaya, Pineapple, Rambutan, SnakeFruit, DragonFruit, Pears, WaterMelon;  # PARAMETERS param daily_budget := 5000000000; param fixed_cost :=      FB1 125000      FB2 125000      FB3 70000      FB4 200000      FB5 50000;  param capacity :=     FB1 3000     FB2 2000     FB3 3000     FB4 2500     FB5 1000;                            param demand :=     SD01        581     SD02        524     SD03        386     SD04        195     SD05        851     SD06        720     SD07        164     SD08        78     SD09         126     SD10        390     SD11        530     SD12        998     SD13        320     SD14        56     SD15         418     SD16        101     SD17        285     SD18        280     SD19        350      SD20           361     SD21        343     SDITPJHI    257   SDITDARUN     79    SDITNAMALIYAH 87    SDITNILMI     307       SMP13         635       SMP19         727       SMP23         615   SMP8          1215      SMPDARUN      73    SMPITALAZHAR  210       SMPPJHI       80    SMA7          1055      SMAITALAZHAR  23    SMK5          1272      SMKSADZKIYA   434       SMKSDUTAB     210;                        # Demand per school per time period  param distance :            FB1  FB2  FB3  FB4  FB5 :=   SD01                    5.4  0.95  3.6  9.5  13     SD02                    8.8  4.9   0.2  5.8  9.4    SD03                    11   6.9   2.19 3.8  7.4    SD04                    15   12    6.8  0.91 3.4    SD05                    0.74 3.1   7.8  14   17     SD06                    3.5  0.81  5.7  12   15     SD07                    14   9.7   4.7  1.2  4.9     SD08                       18   14    9.6   3.7 0.02   SD09                    15   12    6.5  0.69 3.3    SD10                    4.4  0.95  4.5  10   14     SD11                    6.2  2.12  3.5  9.4  13     SD12                    0.61 4.3   9    15   19     SD13                    4.8  0.85  4.5  10   14     SD14                    21   17    13   6.8  3.17   SD15                    6.9  3     1.91 7.9  12     SD16                    17   13    7.9  1.9  4.5    SD17                    12   7.8   3.1  2.85 6.5    SD18                    9.9  6.1   1.39 5.2  8.8    SD19                    6.2  2.3   3.7  9.6  13     SD20                    5.1  1.41  4.8  11   14     SD21                    6.9  4.20  8.8  15   18     SDITPJHI                1.63 3.9   8.6  15   18     SDITDARUN               15   11    6.3  1.1  4.8    SDITNAMALIYAH           0.74 4.5   9.26 15.16 18.82     SDITNILMI               0.86 3.5   8.2  14   18     SMP13                   13   8.7   4    2.5  6.2     SMP19                      9.7  5.7   1.1  5.4  9.1     SMP23                      3.6  3.5   8.1  14   18     SMP8                    4.0  0.25  4.9  11   15     SMPDARUN                15   11    6.3  1.1  4.8     SMPITALAZHAR               13   9.1   4.4  1.5  5.2     SMPPJHI                    1.63 3.9   8.6  15   18     SMA7                    7.6  3.7   1.8  7.8  11     SMAITALAZHAR            2.9  5.0   9.7  15.9 19.4     SMK5                      10   6.3   1.6  7.1  11     SMKSADZKIYA             7.8  3.8   2.1  8.1  12     SMKSDUTAB               15   11    6    0.85 4.5;  param trans_cost:= 1500; param handling_cost := 5000; param processing_cost :=   G1  500     G2  700     G3  400     G4  200;     param nutrient_value :             Water   Energy  Protein Fat     Carbohydrate    Fibre   Calcium Iron    Zinc    VitA        VitB1   VitB2   VitB3   VitB6   VitB12  VitC    VitD    Folate:=                    Apple           84.1    68      0.3     0.4     14.9            2       6       0.3     0.02    4.79        0.04    0.01    0.1     0.041   0       5       0       5.46                    Bananna         72.9    112     1       0.8     24.3            1.9     20      0.2     0.2     6.08        0.05    0.11    0.1     0.367   0       9       0       23                  Beef            66      201     18.8    14      0               0       11      2.8     3.64    167.5       0.08    0.21    6.5     0.44    3.05    0       0       4.9                     BeefLiver       69.7    132     19.7    3.2     6               0       7       6.6     4       14153.5     0.26    0.96    5.4     1.08    59.3    31      1       290                     Carrot          89.9    43      1       0.6     7.9             1       45      1       0.2     477.96      0.04    0.04    1       0.138   0       18      0       19                  Cassava         61.4    156     1       0.3     36.8            0.9     77      1.1     0.1     0           0.06    0.12    0.5     0.088   0       31      0       27                  CassavaLeaf     84.4    68      6.2     1.1     7.1             2.4     166     1.3     2.6     455.58      0.04    0.1     1.8     0.34    0       103     0       0                   Chicken         55.9    298     18.2    25      0               0       14      1.5     1.5     246.625     0.08    0.16    8.1     0.35    0.31    0       0       4                   ChickenEgg      74.3    150     12.4    10.8    0.7             0       86      3       1.1     66.29       0.12    0.38    0.2     0.143   1.29    0       1       143                         ChickenLiver    53.4    261     27.4    16.1    1.6             0       118     15.8    0.5     6127.667    0.64    2.94    4.11    0.853   16.58   0       0       588                     CoconutMilk     54.9    348     4.2     34.3    5.6             0       14      1.9     1.1     0           0.02    0       0.4     0.05    0       2       0       0                       Corn            70.3    131     3.3     1.3     25.1            2.8     2       0.6     0.5     0           0.2     0.1     1.6     0.1     0       6       0       42                  DuckEgg         67.7    187     10.9    12.4    7.9             0       64      5.4     1.8     197.1       1.62    0.03    0.1     0.25    5.4     0       5       80                  FrenchBean      89.6    45      2.4     0.3     7.2             1.9     101     0.7     0.4     81          0.05    0.4     2.8     0.06    0       11      0       399                     FreshMilk       88.1    67      3.2     3.9     4.8             0       115     0.1     0.4     55          0       0.2     0.1     0.1     0.4     1       0       8                   KidneyBean      57.2    180     11      2.2     28              2.1     293     3.7     2.9     0.42        0.15    0.34    2.3     0.32    0       0       0       130                         LongBean        12.2    364     17.3    1.5     68.6            3.2     163     6.9     0.4     12          0.57    0.21    8.4     0.06    0       2       0       62                      Manggo          87.4    55      0.7     0.2     11.2            2.7     13      0.2     0.1     723.33      0.08    0.02    0.5     0.134   0       30      0       43                  Melon           83.8    36      0.6     0.4     7.2             0.5     0       0       0       0           0       0       10      0       0       0.1     0       21                  MilkFish        45.3    296     17.1    20.3    11.3            0       1422    1.9     0       22.67       0.14    0       0       0       0       69.09   0       16                  Mungbean        15.5    347     22.9    1.5     56.8            7.5     223     7.5     2.7     16.17       0.46    0.15    1.5     0.1     0       10      0       625                     Mushrooms       93.7    41      3.8     0.6     0.9             8.2     3       1.7     0.1     0           0.1     0.14    0.2     0.1     0       5       2       17                  Orange          87.2    53      0.9     0.2     11.2            1.4     33      0.4     0.22    9.79        0.08    0.03    0.2     0.06    0       49      0       30                      Papaya          86.7    53      0.5     0.1     12.2            0.5     23      1.7     0.1     228         0.04    0.05    0.3     0.019   0       78      0       53.65                           Pineapple       88.9    46      0.6     0.3     9.9             0.6     22      0.9     0.1     4.58        0.02    0.05    0.2     0.11    0       22      0       18                  Potato          83.4    65      2.1     0.2     13.5            0.5     63      0.7     0.4     0           0.09    0.07    1.3     0.20    0       21      0       16.5                    QuailEgg        79.8    112     10.7    7       1.6             0       65      3.5     1.47    163.33      0.13    0.65    0.1     0.15    1.58    0       5       49                  Rambutan        80.5    79      0.9     0.1     18.1            1.1     16      0.5     0.1     0           0       0.06    0.4     0.1     0       58      0       8                   Rice            56.7    174     3       0.3     39.8            0       25      0.4     1.2     0           0.05    0.02    0.7     0.02    0       0       0       23                  Shrimp          75      86      21      0.2     0.1             0       136     8       1.3     18.33       0.01    0.39    3.6     0.1     1.19    0       3       3                   SnakeFruit      78      87      0.4     0.1     20.9            0.4     28      4.2     0       4           0.04    0.2     2.4     1       0       2       0       0                   Spinach         94.5    20      0.9     0.4     2.9             0.7     166     3.5     0.6     96          0.04    0.1     1       0.54    0       41      0       194                     Tomato          92.9    32      1.3     0.5     4.7             1.5     8       0.6     0.2     108.71      0.06    0.06    0.4     0.08    0       34      0       29                  Watercress      93.3    24      3.1     0.2     2.2             0.7     95      2.4     0.1     204         0.09    0.13    0.7     0.13    0       56      0       9                       WaterMelon      92.1    3.2     0.5     0.2     6.9             0.3     7       0.2     0.1     21.25       0.05    0.04    0.2     0.045   0       6       0       3                   WaterSpinach    91.0    40      3.4     0.7     3.9             2       67      2.3     0.5     345         0.07    0.36    2       0.10    0       17      0       57                  Yam             69.6    118     1.5     0.2     28              4.1     17      0.5     0.24    7           0.112   0.032   0.552   0.293   0       17.1    0       23                  KembungFish     73.5    111     19.04   0.9     4.8             0       68      7.3     0.6     0           0.03    0.2     7.3     0.05    12      0       16.1    1                   PatinFish       74.4    132     17      6.6     1.1             0       31      1.6     8       0           0.2     0.03    1.7     0.116   4.1     0       9       10                  LeleFish        80.36   95      16      2.82    0               0       14      0.25    0.25    70          0.21    0.072   1.907   0.116   4.1     0.7     12.5    10                  GabusFish       79.6    80      16.2    0.5     2.6             0       170     0.1     0.4     335         0.4     0.2     0.1     0       4.1     0       4.6     10                  TongkolFish     74.4    100     13.7    1.5     8               0       92      1.7     1.6     181         0.35    0.03    6.6     0.12    12      0       0       5.18                    TunaFish        62.3    132     28.2    1.29    0               0       37      1.6     1.05    18          0.24    0.25    8.65    1       0       0       82      5.18                    TeriFish        73.37   131     29      10      0               0       232     4.63    2.44    12          0.055   0.256   14.024  0.143   0.62    0       69      13                  Cauliflower     92.2    25      1.28    0.1     5.8             3.4     40      0.47    0.18    5           0.4     0.1     0.51    0.18    0       48.2    0       43                  DragonFruit     84      57      0.36    0.14    15.2            3.1     9       0.18    0.1     1           0.012   0.026   0.16    0.029   0       4.3     0       4.04                    Pears           84.1    63      0.38    0.16    15.1            3.1     8       0.17    0.07    1           0.012   0.026   0.16    0.029   0       4.3     0       4.04                    SiamesePumpkin  94.24   19      0.8     0.1     4.5             1.7     17      0.3     0.74    0           0.025   0.029   0.47    0.076   0       7.7     0       93                  Broccoli        89.3    34      2.82    0.37    6.64            2.6     47      0.73    0.41    31          0.071   0.12    0.64    0.18    0       89.2    0       65;  param nutrient_requirement :                SD     SMP     SMA:=                                       Water           1850    2100    2300                            Energy          2000    2400    2650                            Protein         55      70      75                          Fat             65      80      85                          Carbohydrate    300     350     400                             Fibre           28      34      70                          Calcium         1200    1200    1200                            Iron            8       11      11                          Zinc            8       11      11                          VitA            600     600     700                             VitB1           1.1     1.2     1.2                             VitB2           1.3     1.3     1.3                             VitB3           12      16      16                             VitB6           1.3     1.3      1.3                             VitB12          3.5     4.0     4.0                             VitC            50      75      90                          VitD            15      15      15                          Folate          400     400     400;                             param cost_commodity :=                    Apple           4000                            Bananna         1000                Beef            15000               BeefLiver       10000               Carrot          3000                Cassava         2000                CassavaLeaf     1500                Chicken         7000                ChickenEgg      2000                ChickenLiver    5000                CoconutMilk     3000                Corn            8000                DuckEgg         3000                FrenchBean      5000                FreshMilk       10000               KidneyBean      5000                LongBean        3000                Manggo          3500                Melon           1500                MilkFish        5000                Mungbean        4000                Mushrooms       5000                Orange          7000                Papaya          3000                Pineapple       2000                Potato          3500                QuailEgg        5000                Rambutan        5000                Rice            1200                Shrimp          10000               SnakeFruit      2000                Spinach         4000                Tomato          1000                Watercress      8000                WaterMelon      1500                WaterSpinach    1000                Yam             1200                KembungFish     3500                PatinFish       3000                LeleFish        3000                GabusFish       6000                TongkolFish     3000                TunaFish        5000                TeriFish        2000                    Cauliflower     1500                DragonFruit     2000                    Pears           2500                    SiamesePumpkin  600                 Broccoli        3000;                                                   

# Reset and load files


# Load the model and data files

model budget.mod;

data budget.dat;

# Set solver

option solver gurobi;

# Solve the problem


# Option to omit zero rows in output

option omit_zero_rows 1;

# Display key decision variables

display y, z, x, unfulfilled_demand, ratio_commodity;Gurobi 12.0.0: Gurobi 12.0.0: infeasible or unbounded problem. Set dualreductions=0 or iis=1 for definitive answer.

0 simplex iterations

suffix unbdd OUT;

suffix dunbdd OUT;

y [*] :=


: z x :=


: unfulfilled_demand ratio_commodity :=


Share Improve this question edited Feb 13 at 20:17 Dalija Prasnikar 28.5k45 gold badges94 silver badges175 bronze badges asked Feb 4 at 6:07 nisanur azizahnisanur azizah 13 bronze badges 1
  • If you write the model to file you can use Gurobi directly and follow their guide here: support.gurobi/hc/en-us/articles/… – Riley Commented Feb 9 at 11:25
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2 Answers 2

Reset to default 1

Using iis is definitively a good choice if the solver you are using has that option.

Quick suggestion, have you tried dropping constraints to figure out which one is not being satisfied? (I assume it's infeasibility not unbound problem). Constraints like Demand Fulfillment, Minimum distribution and Nutrient requirements might have data that produce this infeasibility. Without them, a trivial solution would be possible, right?

Any solver output or data for the problem?

In your model, the first 4 categories of constraints can't be infeasible (all 0 except unfulfilled_demand is a feasible solution). The model can't be unbounded since you have nonnegative costs multiplied by nonnegative variables. That leaves only the minimum distribution and nutrient requirements as culprits. I would add penalty variables like unfulfilled_demand you have in the Demand Fulfillment constraints and see with high costs to identify the problem.

sum {b in B} x[s, b] + distribution_shortfall[s] >= demand[s] * 0.7;
sum {k in K} nutrient_value[k, n] * ratio_commodity[k] * sum {s in S, b in B} x[s, b] + nutrient_shortfall[n, c]    >= nutrient_requirement[n, c]

It may be a good idea to keep these extra variables in the model because they will help you identify the source of infeasibility in cases where the data is bad. One positive side-effect of building optimization models is that they help identify bad data in a way that standard data integrity constraints can't. Optimization models will often exploit bad data to give unreasonably good solutions, or report infeasibility like in your case.




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