An old form of four years needs to be changed. On resize/save in the design-editor, all content gets deleted, the associated project file gets corrupted, and as a result it is a form no longer. The other five forms - one in the same project - have no such problems and have been changed without an issue. Ironically this form would have been the last one to be changed.
Note: Resize is enough to yield this error. Any property like backcolor would do. My solution contains multiple forms in multiple projects.
Platform | VS 2019 16.11.18 |
Target | .NET 4 Clientprofile |
Origin | vs2019 around 2020/2021 |
Project-specific build action | none |
Localization | none - the solution is part of an application suite, where all resources are coming from "somewhere else" per code |
Custom tool | No custom tool assigned to this form in it's property page; no other tool that i would be aware of |
Project file | The form is not mentioned anywhere else in the project file, only the two entries below exist |