I want to record my live streaming with agora cloud recording and Amazon S3. I use a Postman collection provided by Agora, and I don't change anything except StorageConfig. I manage to get resourceID and sid, but when I launch the recording, I get the error "404 Not Found
"message": "no Route matched with those values"
" . I copied the amazon and agora IDs and respected the S3 region, but I get the same error.
"cname": "{{AccessChannel}}",
"uid": "{{RecordingUID}}",
"clientRequest": {
"recordingConfig": {
"channelType": 1,
"subscribeUidGroup": 0
"snapshotConfig": {
"captureInterval": 2,
"fileType": [
"storageConfig": {
"vendor": {{StorageVendor}},
"region": {{StorageRegion}},
"bucket": "{{Bucket}}",
"accessKey": "{{AccessKey}}",
"secretKey": "{{SecretKey}}",
"fileNamePrefix": [