I'm figuring out whether my app has memory leak.
So I run flutter app on profile mode, not debug mode and see Memory tab.
This is the Profile Memory tab when I launch my app right away.
It's the just one example case.
You can see SignUpScreen
has 5 instances and MainNavigationScreen
has 14 instances.
But as seeing my code, when app launches it directs to SplashScreen
final router = GoRouter(
initialLocation: '/',
routes: [
path: '/',
builder: (context, state) {
return const SplashScreen();
path: '/p/:sendUserId',
builder: (context, state) {
final sendUserId = state.pathParameters["sendUserId"];
return PartnerAgreementScreen(sendUserId: sendUserId);
void initState() {
void dispose() {
Future<UserProfile?> _initializeUserProfile() async {
final userProfile =
await ref.read(userProvider.notifier).fetchLoggedUserInfo();
return userProfile;
Future<void> _initializeNavigator() async {
try {
final userProfile = await _initializeUserProfile();
if (initialLoginState.value && userProfile != null) {
await Future.wait([
if (!mounted) return;
builder: (_) => const MainNavigationScreen(tab: "일기"),
// (route) => false,
} else {
Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {
if (!mounted) return;
builder: (_) => const SignUpScreen(),
// (route) => false,
} catch (e) {
// ignore: avoid_print
print("_initializeNavigator -> $e");
Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1), () {
if (!mounted) return;
builder: (_) => const SignUpScreen(),
(route) => false,
And SplashScreen redirects user to MainNavigationScreen
or SignUpscreen
In this case that user is logged in, it will directs user to MainNavigationScreen
, not SignUpScreen
I double check that it directs to 'MainNavigationScreen' only once and not 'SignUpScreen'.
But why does memory has 14 instances of MainNavigationScreen and 5 SignUpScreen?
And even DiaryModel
that will be used in another Screen has also 2 instances, etc.