
terraform - How to Disable Default Fluent Bit Parsers to Avoid Errors in Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS Add-on? - Stack Ove


How to Disable Default Fluent Bit Parsers to Avoid Errors in Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS Add-on?

I'm configuring Fluent Bit as part of the Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS add-on, but I'm encountering errors related to default parsers:

[2025/02/13 13:21:48] [error] [parser] parser named 'syslog' already exists, skip.
[2025/02/13 13:21:48] [error] [input:tail:tail.3] parser 'cri' is not registered

After investigating, I found that I can disable some configurations by setting them to an empty string. For example:

 observability_config = jsonencode({
    "containerLogs" = {
      "enabled" = true
      "fluentBit" = {
        "config" = {
          "extraFiles" = {
            "application-log.conf" = file("${path.module}/configs/some.conf"),
            "dataplane-log.conf" = "",
            "host-log.conf" = "",

I figured out that some Fluent Bit configurations can be passed using the extraFiles key.

Here is my Fluent Bit configuration:

    Flush               5
    Log_Level           warn
    Parsers_File        parsers.conf

    Name                tail
    Tag                 kube.*
    Exclude_Path        /var/log/containers/cloudwatch-agent*, /var/log/containers/fluent-bit*, /var/log/containers/aws-node*, /var/log/containers/kube-proxy*
    Path                /var/log/containers/*.log
    Docker_Mode         On
    Docker_Mode_Flush   5
    Docker_Mode_Parser  container_firstline
    Parser              cri
    DB                  /var/fluent-bit/state/flb_container.db
    Mem_Buf_Limit       50MB
    Skip_Long_Lines     On
    Refresh_Interval    10
    Rotate_Wait         30
    storage.type        filesystem
    Read_from_Head      ${READ_FROM_HEAD}

    Name                cloudwatch_logs
    Match               kube.*
    region              ${AWS_REGION}
    log_group_name      /aws/containerinsights/${CLUSTER_NAME}/application
    log_stream_prefix   ${HOST_NAME}-
    auto_create_group   true
    extra_user_agent    container-insights


  1. How can I properly disable the default parsers to prevent these errors?

Relevant Documentation:

You can find related documentation here:



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