I am trying to add a native C++ program in AOSP branch android-15.0.0_r17
The program is simple, it just print string. The android blueprint looks like below. I want to add this program in system partition. But the build fails.
cc_binary {
name: "mwserv",
vendor: false,
srcs: ["src/*"],
soc_specific: false
I am building for cuttlefish with lunch target: aosp_cf_x86_phone-userdebug
Added Product package at path build/make/target/product/generic_system.mk
Error I see while building.
Please add following modules into system image module aosp_cf_system_x86_64.
KATI only module(s):
FAILED: System image from KATI and SOONG differs from installed file list.
19:29:01 ninja failed with: exit status 1
#### failed to build some targets (01:38 (mm:ss)) ####
Can someone please let me know how can I add my program in system image module?