
Issue with ID Token Verification in Go: "audience provided does not match aud claim in the JWT" - Stack Overfl


I'm trying to verify an ID token sent from an Android device using Go and the Google Authentication library. The token is validated using the idtoken.Validate() function with a web client ID (g.clientID). However, when I attempt the verification on my VPS server, I get the following error:

    "error": "internal server error: failed to verify token: idtoken: audience provided does not match aud claim in the JWT"

After inspecting the JWT, I can confirm that the aud claim in the token matches the web client ID (g.clientID) used on the server.

Here’s the relevant code snippet:

func (g *GoogleAuth) VerifyIDToken(idTokenStr string) (*account.GoogleResponse, error) {
    payload, err := idtoken.Validate(context.Background(), idTokenStr, g.clientID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to verify token: %v", err)
    return &account.GoogleResponse{
        Id:        payload.Claims["sub"].(string),
        Email:     payload.Claims["email"].(string),
        FirstName: payload.Claims["given_name"].(string),
        LastName:  payload.Claims["family_name"].(string),
    }, nil

Despite the aud claim in the token matching the g.clientID used for validation, the verification fails. Could anyone point out what might be causing this mismatch? Any advice or potential solutions would be appreciated.




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