
gcloud - Why can't the Job Template confirguration JSON file be read when trying to make the template ID? - Stack Overfl


Sorry this is elementary. I have a JSON file saved both to my machine as well as in the google 'bucket'. I need to create 3 variants of the MPEG DASH and 3 variants of HLS playlists so I needed to create a new template instead of running the default parameters. For some reason when I try to access it from my own local machine:

gcloud transcoder templates create TEMPLATE_ID --location=LOCATION --file="C:\path\to\myfileonmymachine.json"

It will give me the error ERROR:

(gcloud.transcoder.templates.create) Failed to read C:\Users\XYXYXY\Desktop\VCfiles\XYXYX.json\u201d & goto lastline 2>NUL || C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C exit 0, Unable to read file [C:\Users\XYXYXYXY\Desktop\VCfiles\XYXYXYX.json\u201d & goto lastline 2>NUL || C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C exit 0]: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'C:\Users\XYXYXYXY\Desktop\VCfiles\XYXYXYXY.json\u201d & goto lastline 2>NUL || C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C exit 0'

I have no clue what \u201d is by the way. I did not specify that when I was writing the file path.

Now I understand the instructions on the Transcoder API for creating a job template says to request.json. And that I guess goes to your bucket? I tried just putting my existing JSON file into the google bucket but it says it can't read that either...Not sure what I can do

I tried putting the JSON file into the google bucket. And tried to run it this way:

gcloud transcoder templates create TEMPLATE_ID --file="request.json" --location=LOCATION

But instead of request.json I put the json file I uploaded into my bucket there and then specified the same location I put for the job and like where the output would be saved to....




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