I have this blazored text editor, where I am trying to edit a blog item, the problem is that when I am trying to submit a blog with an empty title, it breaks the connection and the application freezes. The error that is received is:
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'removeChild'))
---> System.InvalidOperationException: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'removeChild')
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree.Renderer.InvokeRenderCompletedCallsAfterUpdateDisplayTask(Task updateDisplayTask, Int32[] updatedComponents)
This is the component
@using BlazorBlog.Application.Features.Blogs.Commands.Edit
@inherits MudComponentBase
@inject IValidationService Validator
@inject IMediator Mediator
<MudDialog style="min-height: 650px;">
<MudForm Model="@Model" @ref="@_form" Validation="@(Validator.ValidateValue(Model))">
<MudItem xs="12">
<MudTextField Label="Blog Title" @bind-Value="Model.Title" For="@(() => Model.Title)"
Required RequiredError="@string.Format(ConstantString.RequiredText, "Blog Title")">
<MudItem xs="12">
<BlazoredTextEditor @ref="@RichEditor">
<span class="ql-formats">
<select class="ql-font">
<option selected=""></option>
<option value="serif"></option>
<option value="monospace"></option>
<select class="ql-size">
<option value="small"></option>
<option selected=""></option>
<option value="large"></option>
<option value="huge"></option>
<span class="ql-formats">
<button class="ql-bold"></button>
<button class="ql-italic"></button>
<button class="ql-underline"></button>
<button class="ql-strike"></button>
<span class="ql-formats">
<select class="ql-color"></select>
<select class="ql-background"></select>
<span class="ql-formats">
<button class="ql-list" value="ordered"></button>
<button class="ql-list" value="bullet"></button>
<button class="ql-indent" value="-1"></button>
<button class="ql-indent" value="+1"></button>
<select class="ql-align">
<option selected=""></option>
<option value="center"></option>
<option value="right"></option>
<option value="justify"></option>
<span class="ql-formats">
<button class="ql-link"></button>
<MudButton Variant="Variant.Outlined" OnClick="Cancel">@ConstantString.Cancel</MudButton>
<MudLoadingButton Variant="Variant.Outlined" Loading="@_saving" OnClick="Submit">@ConstantString.SaveChanges</MudLoadingButton>
@code {
[CascadingParameter] private IMudDialogInstance MudDialog { get; set; } = default!;
[EditorRequired][Parameter] public EditBlogCommand Model { get; set; } = default!;
[Parameter] public Action? Refresh { get; set; }
private MudForm? _form;
private bool _saving;
BlazoredTextEditor RichEditor;
private async Task Submit()
_saving = true;
await _form.Validate().ConfigureAwait(false);
Model.Description = await RichEditor.GetHTML();
catch (Exception)
if (!_form!.IsValid) { return; }
var result = await Mediator.Send(Model);
if (result.Succeeded)
Snackbar.Add(ConstantString.SaveSuccess, Severity.Info);
Snackbar.Add(result.ErrorMessage, Severity.Error);
_saving = false;
private void Cancel()
I tried to refactor this component but that gave me some issues in fetching the text from the editor.
I have this blazored text editor, where I am trying to edit a blog item, the problem is that when I am trying to submit a blog with an empty title, it breaks the connection and the application freezes. The error that is received is:
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'removeChild'))
---> System.InvalidOperationException: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'removeChild')
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree.Renderer.InvokeRenderCompletedCallsAfterUpdateDisplayTask(Task updateDisplayTask, Int32[] updatedComponents)
This is the component
@using BlazorBlog.Application.Features.Blogs.Commands.Edit
@inherits MudComponentBase
@inject IValidationService Validator
@inject IMediator Mediator
<MudDialog style="min-height: 650px;">
<MudForm Model="@Model" @ref="@_form" Validation="@(Validator.ValidateValue(Model))">
<MudItem xs="12">
<MudTextField Label="Blog Title" @bind-Value="Model.Title" For="@(() => Model.Title)"
Required RequiredError="@string.Format(ConstantString.RequiredText, "Blog Title")">
<MudItem xs="12">
<BlazoredTextEditor @ref="@RichEditor">
<span class="ql-formats">
<select class="ql-font">
<option selected=""></option>
<option value="serif"></option>
<option value="monospace"></option>
<select class="ql-size">
<option value="small"></option>
<option selected=""></option>
<option value="large"></option>
<option value="huge"></option>
<span class="ql-formats">
<button class="ql-bold"></button>
<button class="ql-italic"></button>
<button class="ql-underline"></button>
<button class="ql-strike"></button>
<span class="ql-formats">
<select class="ql-color"></select>
<select class="ql-background"></select>
<span class="ql-formats">
<button class="ql-list" value="ordered"></button>
<button class="ql-list" value="bullet"></button>
<button class="ql-indent" value="-1"></button>
<button class="ql-indent" value="+1"></button>
<select class="ql-align">
<option selected=""></option>
<option value="center"></option>
<option value="right"></option>
<option value="justify"></option>
<span class="ql-formats">
<button class="ql-link"></button>
<MudButton Variant="Variant.Outlined" OnClick="Cancel">@ConstantString.Cancel</MudButton>
<MudLoadingButton Variant="Variant.Outlined" Loading="@_saving" OnClick="Submit">@ConstantString.SaveChanges</MudLoadingButton>
@code {
[CascadingParameter] private IMudDialogInstance MudDialog { get; set; } = default!;
[EditorRequired][Parameter] public EditBlogCommand Model { get; set; } = default!;
[Parameter] public Action? Refresh { get; set; }
private MudForm? _form;
private bool _saving;
BlazoredTextEditor RichEditor;
private async Task Submit()
_saving = true;
await _form.Validate().ConfigureAwait(false);
Model.Description = await RichEditor.GetHTML();
catch (Exception)
if (!_form!.IsValid) { return; }
var result = await Mediator.Send(Model);
if (result.Succeeded)
Snackbar.Add(ConstantString.SaveSuccess, Severity.Info);
Snackbar.Add(result.ErrorMessage, Severity.Error);
_saving = false;
private void Cancel()
I tried to refactor this component but that gave me some issues in fetching the text from the editor.
Share Improve this question asked Feb 5 at 10:43 SachihiroSachihiro 1,7834 gold badges27 silver badges55 bronze badges1 Answer
Reset to default 0The problem is most likely about this line of code:
You need to retrieve the value with RichEditor.GetHTML()
Blazored text editor has some great samples on their Github page: https://github.com/Blazored/TextEditor/tree/main
The error occurs because the text editor is manipulating the same DOM that Blazor is rendering to. Which creates a mismatch and triggers the removeChild