
What are the best practices for including a custom post's taxonomy in the URL using ACF Pro custom posts and taxonomies?

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I have a custom post type and a custom taxonomy created with ACF Pro. The post type:

And the taxonomy:

Then in functions.php, I have this code:

    function() {
    function(string $post_link, WP_Post $post) {
        static $placeholders_to_taxonomies = [
            '%tourcategory%' => 'tour-category',

        foreach ($placeholders_to_taxonomies as $placeholder => $taxonomy) {
            if (str_contains($post_link, $placeholder)) {
                $term    = get_primary_term($taxonomy, $post->ID);
                $replace = 'uncategorized';

                if ($term instanceof WP_Term) {
                    $replace = $term->slug;

                $post_link = str_replace($placeholder, $replace, $post_link);

        return $post_link;

function get_primary_term(string $taxonomy, int $post_id): WP_Term|false
    $primary_term = false;
    $terms = get_the_terms($post_id, $taxonomy);
    $terms = is_wp_error($terms) ? [] : $terms;
    $terms = $terms ?: [];

    if ($terms) {
        [$primary_term] = $terms;

(For the call to add_rewrite_rule, the category slugs in the regex are not the actual categories that are being used on the site.)

This works, but every time the client adds a category I have to add the new category slug to the regex. I could change it to retrieve all the categories and add a rewrite rule for each one, but I don't know if this would slow down the site or if there is a better approach than that.




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