While updating some legacy code to run when compiled with gcc 12.3, I came across some tests that were checking the return value of associated(px,py)
. These tests had previously passed on gcc 8.3 and gcc 10 looking for a return of .true.
. On gcc 12.3 some cases were returning .false.
and failing.
The below code replicates the patterns of checks I came across. The one that returns .false.
using gcc 12.3 is associated(p_foo,the_baz%the_foos(3))
module foobarbaz
type :: foo
integer :: i = -1
type, extends(foo) :: bar
real :: r = -1.0
end type
type :: baz
class(foo),pointer :: the_foos(:)
end type
end module foobarbaz
program test_associate
use foobarbaz
implicit none
class(bar), pointer :: the_bars(:)
class(foo), pointer :: p_foo => NULL()
class(bar), pointer :: p_bar => NULL()
type(baz) :: the_baz
the_baz%the_foos => the_bars
p_foo => the_baz%the_foos(3)
write(*,*) "p_foo is associated :: ",associated(p_foo) ! T
write(*,*) "p_foo is associated with the_baz%the_foos(3) :: ",associated(p_foo,the_baz%the_foos(3)) ! F
write(*,*) "Select type p_foo to be of type bar"
select type(p_foo)
type is (bar)
p_bar => p_foo
write(*,*) "p_bar is associated :: ",associated(p_bar) ! T
write(*,*) "p_bar is associated with p_foo :: ",associated(p_bar,p_foo) ! T
end select
write(*,*) "end select"
write(*,*) "Select type the_baz%the_foos(3) to be of type bar in local a"
select type(a => the_baz%the_foos(3))
type is (bar)
write(*,*) "p_bar is associatd to a :: ",associated(p_bar,a) ! T
write(*,*) "Select type p_foo to be of type bar"
select type(p_foo)
type is (bar)
write(*,*) "p_foo is associated with a :: ",associated(p_bar,p_foo) ! T
end select
write(*,*) "end select"
end select
write(*,*) "end select"
end program test_associate
Output from gcc 12.3 compiled binary:
% ./a.out
p_foo is associated :: T
p_foo is associated with the_baz%the_foos(3) :: F
Select type p_foo to be of type bar
p_bar is associated :: T
p_bar is associated with p_foo :: T
end select
Select type the_baz%the_foos(3) to be of type bar in local a
p_bar is associatd to a :: T
Select type p_foo to be of type bar
p_foo is associated with a :: T
end select
end select
I expected was that associated(p_foo,the_baz%the_foos(3))
would be .true.
without an interloping select type