
python - Improving CNN-LSTM Autoencoder (or better approaches) for Detecting Anomalies in Time Series Sensor Data - Stack Overfl


I'm working on an anomaly detection system for IoT devices using sensor data (temperature, relative humidity, and pressure). The devices are sealed but have some natural "breathability," meaning they show normal pattern changes over time (days) that could be mistaken for leaks using standard detection methods (like Van der Waals equations won't work). I have tried setting up a couple of things, and am now trying an auto-encoder, but I feel like my layers are not correct or I am missing some steps for this. Feel free to discuss any mistakes I might have made.

input data graph

Current Setup

Input data: Sequences of 38 4D vectors (time, humidity, temperature, pressure - all normalized) Each device can have multiple windows (e.g., 10 windows = 380 data points per device) Initial approach: Hybrid CNN-LSTM autoencoder Goal: Learn normal "breathing patterns" to distinguish between natural variations and actual leaks Made improvements: Learning Rate Finder (cyclical test), Cross-Validation, adaptive learning rate with early stopping, multiple folds with model reinitialization


def build_hybrid_ae(self):
    encoder_inputs = Input(shape=(self.sequence_length, self.input_dim))
    x = encoder_inputs
    if self.use_attention:
        x = self.attention_layer(x)
    # CNN feature extraction
    for n_filters in [32, 16]:
        conv1 = Conv1D(n_filters, kernel_size=3, padding='same', activation='relu')
        x = conv1(x)
        x = BatchNormalization()(x)
    # LSTM processing
    lstm1 = LSTM(16, return_sequences=False)
    x = lstm1(x)
    x = Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(x)
    encoded = Dense(self.encoding_dim)(x)
    self.encoder = Model(encoder_inputs, encoded, name='encoder')
    # Decoder
    decoder_inputs = Input(shape=(self.encoding_dim,))
    x = Dense(16)(decoder_inputs)
    x = RepeatVector(self.sequence_length)(x)
    # LSTM decoder
    x = LSTM(16, return_sequences=True)(x)
    x = Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(x)
    # CNN decoder
    x = Conv1D(16, kernel_size=3, padding='same', activation='relu')(x)
    x = BatchNormalization()(x)
    decoded = Conv1D(self.input_dim, kernel_size=3, padding='same', activation='sigmoid')(x)
    self.decoder = Model(decoder_inputs, decoded, name='decoder')

Loading the data

class SlidingWindows:
    def __init__(self, windows, train_split=0.8, random_state=42):
        self.windows = windows
        self.train_split = train_split
        self.random_state = random_state
        self.RANGES = {
            'temp': (-100.0, 70.0),
            'humid': (0.0, 100.0),
            'press': (868.0, 1085.0)

    def normalize_data(self, val, start, end):
        """Normalize to [0,1] range"""
        return (val - start) / (end - start)
    def denormalize_data(self, val, start, end):
        """Convert back to original range"""
        return val * (end - start) + start
    def load_data(self, time_based_split=False):
        X = np.array([[
                float(self.normalize_data(temp, *self.RANGES['temp'])),
                float(self.normalize_data(humid, *self.RANGES['humid'])),
                float(self.normalize_data(press, *self.RANGES['press']))
            ] for ts, temp, humid, press in w['data']
        ] for w in self.windows], dtype=np.float32)
        if time_based_split:
            # Sort by mean timestamp of each window
            mean_times = np.mean(X[:, :, 0], axis=1)
            sorted_indices = np.argsort(mean_times)
            X = X[sorted_indices]
            # Random split
            rng = np.random.default_rng(self.random_state)
            indices = rng.permutation(len(X))
            X = X[indices]
        split_idx = int(len(X) * self.train_split)
        return (X[:split_idx],), (X[split_idx:],)

sliding_windows = create_sliding_windows(valid_recording_periods, df, threshold_value)
slidingwindows = SlidingWindows(sliding_windows)


Graph showing bad training results from the auto encoder

Steps taken to improve the encoder

Because the results were bad, I tried some things, as mentioned: Learning Rate Finder (cyclical test), Cross-Validation, adaptive learning rate with early stopping, multiple folds with model reinitialization.

But these results were not that much better. It tries to fit the data to 0.5 every time, it seems.

Results p.2

Graph after improvements




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