
I have a Lego NXT project programmed with BricxCC, and I'm trying to compile the following code - Stack Overflow


The code is for a game that uses joystick buttons and various sensors. However, when compiling, there are no error messages, but the code still does not compile successfully. By not compiling successfully I mean that my software (Bricx Command Center) gives me a message that the compiling failed but the software doesnt tell me why it failed. Normally the programm tells me what I did wrong and shows me the line where i made a mistake but this time there is no single one of those messages and it still fails to compile.

The code contains functions like GameOver(), ShowMenu(), StartGame(), and sensor initialization with SetSensorTouch(). Despite the lack of error outputs during compilation, the program does not work as expected.

What could be the reason the code is not compiling without providing any clear error messages, and how can I resolve this issue? You can also try to fix it yourself imma post the code. Additional Notes:

The code uses a joystick and buttons that are connected to ports IN_1, IN_2, IN_3, and IN_4. There are no specific error messages during the compilation process, but the program does not run properly. The sensors are correctly initialized and configured with SetSensorTouch(). The joystick button is actually the same type of button as the others; it's just integrated into the joystick assembly, so the button itself behaves identically to the other buttons.

This is a basic touch-based game where the player must react to button prompts, earn points, and avoid errors to keep playing. The difficulty can be adjusted to provide a challenge for players of different skill levels. The joystick button is integrated into the game like the other buttons, and the program uses these inputs to drive the gameplay. This is the Code:

// Global variables
int score = 0;
int errors = 0;
int gameRunning = 0;
int selectedLevel = 0;

// Game Over function
void GameOver() {
    TextOut(10, 2, "GAME OVER!");
    PlayTone(300, 50);

    while (Sensor(IN_4) == 0) {
        // Wait until the joystick button is pressed

// Display menu
void ShowMenu() {
    selectedLevel = 0; // Default level
    TextOut(10, 0, "Menu");

    while (true) {
        ClearLine(1); // Clear menu entries
        if (selectedLevel == 0) {
            TextOut(10, 1, "Easy");
        } else if (selectedLevel == 1) {
            TextOut(10, 1, "Medium");
        } else if (selectedLevel == 2) {
            TextOut(10, 1, "Hard");

        // Joystick: Change selection
        if (Sensor(IN_1) == 1) { // Right
            selectedLevel = (selectedLevel + 1) % 3;
        } else if (Sensor(IN_2) == 1) { // Left
            selectedLevel = (selectedLevel + 2) % 3; // Go backward

        // Confirm with joystick button
        if (Sensor(IN_4) == 1) { // Joystick button
            return; // Selection completed

// Start game
void StartGame(int level) {
    score = 0;
    errors = 0;
    gameRunning = 1;

    TextOut(10, 0, "Score: 0");
    TextOut(10, 1, "Errors: 0/5");

    int speed;
    if (level == 0) speed = 800; // Easy
    else if (level == 1) speed = 500; // Medium
    else speed = 300; // Hard

    for (int i = 0; i < 20 && gameRunning; i++) {
        int action = Random(2); // 0 = normal hit, 1 = Slider
        int button = Random(3) + 1; // Random button (1, 2, 3)

        if (action == 0) { // Normal hit
            TextOut(10, 2, "Hit");
            NumOut(50, 2, button);
            PlayTone(440, 20);

            if (Sensor(IN_1) == 1) { // Corrected line for the buttons
                score += 5;
                PlayTone(600, 20);
            } else {
                errors += 1;
        } else { // Slider
            TextOut(10, 2, "Slider");
            NumOut(50, 2, button);
            int sliderProgress = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
                if (Sensor(IN_1) == 1) { // Corrected line for the buttons
                    PlayTone(400, 10);
                } else {

            if (sliderProgress >= 5) {
                score += 10;
            } else {
                errors += 1;

        // Update score and errors
        TextOut(10, 0, "Score:");
        NumOut(50, 0, score);
        TextOut(10, 1, "Errors:");
        NumOut(60, 1, errors);
        TextOut(75, 1, "/5");

        // Exit with joystick
        if (Sensor(IN_4) == 1) {
            gameRunning = 0;

        // Check for game over
        if (errors >= 5) {
            GameOver(); // Call the function

// Main program
task main() {
    // Initialize sensors
    SetSensorTouch(IN_1); // Button 1 at port IN_1
    SetSensorTouch(IN_2); // Button 2 at port IN_2
    SetSensorTouch(IN_3); // Button 3 at port IN_3
    SetSensorTouch(IN_4); // Joystick button at port IN_4

    while (true) {

I tried asking ChatGPT but his Codes don't work at all.




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