As I mentionned in title, Java ProcessBuilder executes the following SIPP command with success but RTP packets are not sent during call.
ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder();
Map<String, String> environment = processBuilder.environment();
environment.put("TERM", System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "sipp_windows" + File.separator + "xterm");
Process javap = processBuildermand("./sipp_windows/sipp", " -sf","./scenario/xml/myscenario.xml", "-p", "10002","-t", "u1","-trace_err", "-error_file","./scenario/logs/myLogReport.error.log","-m", "1", "", "-s","5555", "-inf", "./scenario/myFied.csv","-i", "","-d","10000").start();`
` int errorCode = javap.waitFor();
PrintWriter fluxSortie = new PrintWriter("target/sippReport.txt");
InputStreamReader tempReader = new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(javap.getInputStream()));
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(tempReader);`
while (true) {
String line = reader.readLine();
if (line == null)
fluxSortie.printf(line + "\n");
Analysing a capture with Wireshark, I remarqued that the SIP session was correctly established, but no RTP packets were sent. Also I hope to mention that when I executed the same command in Cygwin prompt, RTP are successfully sent, the probleme happened only with Java ProcessBuilder. Are there any permession to activate in Java in order to let RTP pcap packets achieve their destination? Are there a specific port from which data must be sent (I am using media port number 6000 given randomly by SIPP)? Does anyone has the same issue as am I? `